Candace Ruckas

Candace Ruckas
The Scumbag Lounge Podcast
Candace Ruckas

Aug 07 2024 | 01:06:54

Episode August 07, 2024 01:06:54

Show Notes

Hosts: 40Fonz, KStuckey & Sumbalina 

Today in the lounge the Scumbags talk about Julio Foolio footage, the Young Thug trial, Candace Owens all in on Project 25, Meg & Quavo showing up for Kamala, Cardi B files for divorce, Olympic boxer quits and of course the scumbag tip of the week


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:08] Speaker A: What's your name, scumbag? [00:00:09] Speaker B: 40 fonts. [00:00:10] Speaker A: What's your name, scumbag? Yo, it's your boy, K Stuckey. Seven, six. [00:00:15] Speaker B: And we are the Scumbag lines podcast. Get the scumbag news every Wednesday. All podcast platforms. Be sure to give us a like share. Follow the five star rating. Be sure to catch the scumbag lounge of dollar radio online on Wednesdays at 04:00 p.m. and follow us at the scumbag lounge on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Email us at the scumbag lounge at gmail. What's up, people? [00:00:35] Speaker A: What up, though? [00:00:36] Speaker B: Not much. Shawnee. [00:00:39] Speaker C: How y'all doing? [00:00:40] Speaker A: Good. [00:00:40] Speaker B: Good. [00:00:40] Speaker C: What's up? What's up? How y'all doing? [00:00:42] Speaker B: Great. Great. Another week. Um, got the kids back in school, so everybody back in full routine life mode. [00:00:56] Speaker C: We're not back to school over on this thing yet, but. Yeah, yeah, yeah, they're going back. It's coming. [00:01:01] Speaker B: Y'all start back. [00:01:02] Speaker C: Y'all in a different county. [00:01:04] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:01:05] Speaker C: We don't start back for, like, another week or two. [00:01:07] Speaker B: Damn. Well, y'all must have got out later. Did I kids then? [00:01:12] Speaker C: Well, no. Y'all go year round now, right? [00:01:15] Speaker B: Yeah, but I think the last day was, like, memorial day, you know? [00:01:20] Speaker C: No, no, these kids didn't get out until June. [00:01:23] Speaker B: Yeah, they got out that Friday. [00:01:24] Speaker C: Second week of June. [00:01:25] Speaker B: We got. Our kids got out there Friday before memorial day. [00:01:28] Speaker A: Mm hmm. Something like that. Yeah. [00:01:31] Speaker B: Yeah, man. So how was the grandbaby first two days, first grade? [00:01:36] Speaker A: Well, the first day when I talked to her, she ain't like a teacher. Damn. You been there 8 hours, and you talking about you don't like somebody? She don't know her. [00:01:52] Speaker B: She gotta get that what I'm saying. [00:01:54] Speaker A: So come on, billy, relax. Yeah, you gotta relax. Other than that, though. Other than that. [00:02:04] Speaker C: Y'all see how bad teachers got it. Y'all be feeling so sorry for these kids, it'd be the teachers that got it rough the first damn day. She don't like the lady. [00:02:12] Speaker B: I know, right? [00:02:12] Speaker C: That lady just there doing her job. She already getting judged. She's just doing her job. [00:02:17] Speaker A: Miss Williams. So I gotta hear about Miss Williams the rest of the year? [00:02:20] Speaker B: Millie ain't got no assignment, no homework, nothing. Nothing. [00:02:24] Speaker A: Ain't got a cubby hole yet. Milly still do cubbyholes. [00:02:29] Speaker B: Millie said, I don't like this bitch. [00:02:33] Speaker C: Yes. They get Kirby. [00:02:35] Speaker A: Wish you snacks. Damn. What? Damn. [00:02:40] Speaker B: Billy get her right apple already. [00:02:42] Speaker A: Yeah. You got a bad. Yeah, he gets no apple. I don't like my teacher. The straight face, too. I don't like them. [00:02:53] Speaker B: Millie. I mean, little puffy, she's like her teacher. Yeah, yeah. She's in one of her. I think she said her math teacher. I think his name. Eccles. Mister Eccles or something. [00:03:06] Speaker A: Damn, that sound like one of them old Mister Eccles from when we was in school. [00:03:10] Speaker B: So he gonna be litanous. He got a lot of energy. So she like him. But, man, damn. Little puffy. Damn. Her old school, elementary school, man, they was. They got blasted on the first day of school. [00:03:26] Speaker A: What do you mean? [00:03:27] Speaker B: They post a picture on damn social media with border patrol. Yeah, I got you. [00:03:33] Speaker D: Chime in on that one. [00:03:34] Speaker A: Wait, wait. What now? [00:03:35] Speaker D: Border Patrol showed up to the school. No, what it was was. It was like, you know how teachers come in and they do, like, professional development? So one of the activities was. It's the Olympics. So it was like every, like, maybe about five or six teachers was in a group. It was a group project. And each one of them had a different country. Each group had a different country. [00:03:57] Speaker B: Oh, shit. [00:03:58] Speaker D: So the country that this group got blasted for was. It was Mexico. [00:04:02] Speaker B: Mexico. Right. [00:04:03] Speaker D: So they. I don't know if. Did you see the picture? [00:04:05] Speaker B: Yeah, I saw the pictures. [00:04:06] Speaker D: Did you see what was in the background? A wall they had. Two of the teachers had on. Two of the teachers had on shirts that said border patrol. They had big sombrero caps, like, and posed. And then they put that on the. [00:04:23] Speaker A: Arm and they posted. [00:04:24] Speaker D: They posted on the school Facebook page. [00:04:28] Speaker A: Now, you know damn well you can't. That's not a funny. That's not a funny subject. Man. [00:04:34] Speaker D: They was wild, too. It was so much stuff in the picture. Like. And there's actually, like, some video going around. [00:04:41] Speaker B: Yeah. Different type of props and shit. [00:04:42] Speaker D: They had all kind of props. Yeah, a little video going around that the people was, like, climbing. Like. I tell you what, autumn all fired. [00:04:56] Speaker B: Fire. All of them got fired. [00:04:58] Speaker D: Gone. [00:04:59] Speaker B: Shit. [00:05:01] Speaker A: You know what? No, I can't. I can't. I disagree with that. [00:05:05] Speaker D: Well, one or two got put on administrative leave. [00:05:07] Speaker B: Okay. [00:05:07] Speaker A: But I think it was canned. [00:05:10] Speaker D: Principal out of the jack. [00:05:12] Speaker B: The principal that got. The principal. [00:05:13] Speaker D: You the first one gone. [00:05:14] Speaker B: Yeah, she got to. Cause she. The one down approved it. [00:05:17] Speaker D: But here's the funny thing. Like, they said that she didn't. Well, I guess. I'm guessing. Cause, you know, principals, we don't see. They don't see everything that the people that you put in power post until it comes back to you. But they said she was in the. [00:05:34] Speaker A: Room when they were doing it. [00:05:36] Speaker D: When they were doing it and saw it and saw that they were taking pictures of it. [00:05:40] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They were wrong. That was wrong all way round on that. It was wrong all the way around on that. I can't disagree with it. I can't say that was an overreaction. You gotta put a stop to that right then on the spot. [00:05:53] Speaker D: I'm about to send it to your phone still. [00:05:55] Speaker A: I did not hear. See, that's how far out of the school routine I am out of. But, yeah, they silly for that, man. [00:06:02] Speaker B: Yeah. It was all over Facebook, man. Shit was crazy. [00:06:05] Speaker A: They silly for that, man. [00:06:07] Speaker D: They was wild now. [00:06:09] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:06:10] Speaker A: So our resident teacher. Scumalina, you there? Hello? [00:06:18] Speaker C: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You're what? [00:06:23] Speaker A: Resident teacher. [00:06:24] Speaker C: I don't know about the teacher. How you know? I wanted the public to know that I'm on here talking about ass and titties and cussing and saying all type of stuff. [00:06:31] Speaker A: I mean, we're still. Yet you ain't. You ain't. [00:06:35] Speaker C: I might be a little. I might be a little informed on the education system. So go ahead and ask your question, since you don't put it out there. [00:06:42] Speaker A: What are your thoughts on those teachers doing that I truly. [00:06:47] Speaker C: They ain't had no business doing it, period. That's it. And it's. And I have to agree with whomever that was talking in the background. I have to agree to. Yeah. A lot of this stuff, these principals do not be known about until it does happen. But then I've seen the other side of that, where these principals are well informed of what's happening within the schools, and they let a lot of stuff slide. So I feel like everybody needs to go because y'all know that wasn't okay. Y'all know that. [00:07:18] Speaker A: Yeah. They. Ronald Mehden, they were wrong. [00:07:21] Speaker C: And then my thing is, if you let that slide, what else you gonna let slide? [00:07:25] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:07:28] Speaker C: What are y'all talking about in the classrooms? What are these conversations like? Like. [00:07:33] Speaker A: Any. You know, any. Any faculty that works there that has any mexican or. Or from that. No, I'm saying I would have been. They should have been on their ass. [00:07:50] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:07:51] Speaker A: You know, they could take offense to it. Oh, yeah. I see the picture now. Yeah. Can, can and can. Yeah. And you couldn't think of nothing no better than that? [00:08:07] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:08:08] Speaker A: Nothing no better. The way shit is about this wall and what's going on. And look at that lady, the blue. [00:08:13] Speaker B: Look at that lady, the blue in the back. The background. [00:08:18] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:08:19] Speaker B: So get me about that shit. [00:08:20] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, she turned her back on him. [00:08:23] Speaker B: She turned her back. [00:08:24] Speaker A: Yeah, but you got her with the damn slides on. Cause you got a dress on and slide, so you can too. And look. Look at the black dude, the US border patrol shirt on. Oh, yeah, yeah. [00:08:41] Speaker B: So it was. Yeah, so school yesterday went too far, man. [00:08:45] Speaker A: Yeah, they went too far. [00:08:46] Speaker B: Yeah, but, man, I hit a red wall back there. [00:08:49] Speaker A: I see the red wall, but it's stupid. [00:08:51] Speaker B: Yeah, they tripped, but. Yeah, kids got started back with a bang this week. [00:08:58] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:09:02] Speaker B: But, you know, we had a lot of things going this week, man, so we're gonna go ahead and get the show started. [00:09:06] Speaker A: Yeah, man, let's get to it. [00:09:09] Speaker B: Sheri's release on footage of the shooters that killed Julio Foolio. [00:09:15] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:09:16] Speaker B: I saw that, man. What's that shit? [00:09:19] Speaker A: Wild. [00:09:19] Speaker B: What the fuck was going that shit, like, wild, wild west type shit going on. [00:09:23] Speaker A: It was a playing hit, man. Yeah, it was definitely set up. He got his location got dropped. The young lady got locked up. That was, you know, has something to do with it, too, and I don't think it's over. [00:09:38] Speaker B: You think so? No, man. [00:09:39] Speaker A: There's more people involved with that than just them three. [00:09:42] Speaker B: Oh, okay. [00:09:43] Speaker C: My issue with it is a lot of people are putting a lot of, you know, pressure and blame on the young lady that was involved. And I'm not saying it's not. It may or may not be well deserved. That's. That's, you know, to the varying opinions out here. All I'm saying is, if the young lady wasn't involved, the nigga was dropping his location anyway, like it was an open invitation. He was telling people where he was at because he wanted people to pull up. [00:10:09] Speaker A: Yeah, okay. But I think so. I mean, the thing that got her was from. From the little bit I read after they did the arrest, you know, they only. They ain't had a whole lot on the story, but just a little bit I did read. I think she and those guys plotted, like they plotted, you know, to do that. You know what I'm saying? To make that. [00:10:33] Speaker B: It was at a gas station, right? [00:10:35] Speaker A: No, it was in a hotel parking lot. [00:10:37] Speaker B: Hotel parking lot. Okay. Oh, wow. [00:10:39] Speaker A: They caught them in a. Ran up on them in a hotel parking lot. [00:10:42] Speaker B: Okay. So why the damn where people go learn, man, this damn droppity location where I'm at. [00:10:49] Speaker A: Well, you know, it's one thing to do that you partying, you out. You're a local, you know, you locally. [00:11:00] Speaker C: It'S okay to do that when you're not a wanted nigger. If don't nobody, if ain't nobody looking for your ass, who gives a damn? You know what I'm saying? But if you know you a nigga that niggas been wanting to pull up on you like they been having issues with you, why would you do that? [00:11:14] Speaker A: See, this is where I feel. I. Yeah, I got. [00:11:16] Speaker C: If I drive my location, nobody's out to get me, you know what I'm saying? [00:11:20] Speaker A: So there's no fear there that you know of. Now, like, I agree. He knew beef. He does have a lot of shit going on the streets. Him and his crew, they know that him and his people, they know that. The people that he. He wasn't, but I guess, I guess he feel like, and he felt like during that time, he wasn't in Jacksonville. You ain't doing that in Jacksonville. And that's the only thing I could think of. I ain't saying it's an excuse. I'm not trying to make no excuse. I'm saying he was in Tampa. He wasn't in Jacksonville at this time, you know, Jacksonville, those guys in Jacksonville, they got all kind of beef going on. I guess he wasn't in there in the city. He was outside the city. So I guess he felt a little safer, I guess. I don't know, but it just, it's just crazy all the way around. Mandy, I'm sure they trying to tie it to the other rapper that they was beefing with and all this other stuff, so it's a lot. It ain't over, though. [00:12:15] Speaker B: How many. Damn, how many, damn, it ain't over. How many scenarios you gonna need for dead rappers dropping their location or somebody. [00:12:25] Speaker A: Dropping your location, somebody taking a picture of you that you ain't know they took a picture of and say, hey, this dude here, just like the guy that got mad with Lebron, who wouldn't take a picture with him, went outside and say, hey, Lebron's here. Took a picture where he was at and who he was talking to at the, at the table. Like, he. Lebron's here. Like, come on, man, what you doing? You mad? He wouldn't take a picture. So I'm gonna drop this nigga location. So you know what I'm saying? Yeah, like, now you put him and everybody else at risk because you mad. Cause nigga ain't. [00:12:55] Speaker C: I just feel like the type of guy, the type of guy he was, the type of beef that he was, that he was in, you know, interacting in. I feel like a guy like him. I feel like him dropping his location in a moment could be. I truly felt like the nigga felt like he was untouchable, because this nigga been beeping with a lot of niggas for a long time. So it's silly to me, in my opinion, to think that just because you might be two cities away from your home city, that a nigga won't come out there and get you or don't have connects in the next city to light show ass up. Like, I think that's crazy. Like, I'm here. I'm here in Charleston, but if somebody trying to get my ass, and I'm all the way out Greenville somewhere, if somebody got a connect or some moves to make in Greenville, they could take me out of Greenville. So I think dropping his location was the craziest thing he could ever have done. But it also shows me that he really thought he was untouchable, or he just didn't give a fuck. [00:13:46] Speaker A: Well, that's just it for me. Well, I guess the. In that instance, the. The police are trying to put together a motive here, not just he beefing with people in the streets. You know, I'm saying. So those people, those particular people got a lot of so far. But I. Like I said, I don't think it's over, though. According to reading up on what. What a little bit the police did put out. It ain't over. They still gathering up all, you know, they're trying to put more together. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:14:20] Speaker B: Where. [00:14:21] Speaker A: And then the video was crystal clear, too. Like, that video was clear as day on how and where they caught him coming out of that. In that. In that turn in that parking lot. There was no way to get. No other way out of there. In that home, you know, in the hotel parking lot with no other way out of there. [00:14:41] Speaker C: My question is, if somebody. No, I think he was at a hot. No, no, I think he was at a Holiday inn or something like that. No, he definitely was not at. [00:14:51] Speaker A: No, he wasn't no more till six. But he was definitely. But my question is, a lot of cars. [00:14:56] Speaker C: My question is, if you. If somebody. If you're in a car and somebody is shooting at you with a high powered weapon, like what they had from the front, is it smart to drive toward the shooter or drive backwards? [00:15:09] Speaker A: Well, he was in the back. [00:15:11] Speaker B: I thought he was in the right. [00:15:14] Speaker C: I'm asking about the driver. Do you drive toward danger or do you drive backwards? [00:15:20] Speaker A: If you freak out, you don't know where you driving at? So you can't say what this person was thinking when the bullets get out. [00:15:28] Speaker C: I've seen a lot of opinions of different people saying that drivers should have never been driving forward. Now, I can't say what I would do in this situation. Cause, like you said, you freak out, you might overreact and make the wrong decision. But it was a lot of comments saying, like, he should have never drove to war. I guess in my brain, the first thing I would want to do is take that nigga out of I'm ready to run your ass over. [00:15:51] Speaker A: But the way it looked like they ran up on him. They ran up on him from, like, two different. Like, he was in a crossfire. Like, it was one coming this way, one come from that way. So it really. He was. They had him. They had him in the crossfire, bro. [00:16:08] Speaker C: Yeah, so he was. He was. He was screwed either way. [00:16:10] Speaker A: He was screwed back up or not. They was right there at the car, letting them lose. 36 times. Since he got hit 36 times, bro. [00:16:17] Speaker B: He got hit 36 times. [00:16:18] Speaker A: That's 36 times. Like, you know, how many rounds you gotta put into a car? Hit a nigga 36 times. [00:16:25] Speaker B: Show one. No. Dominic Toretto driving. [00:16:27] Speaker A: See, there he go. I ain't going in with you, man. [00:16:33] Speaker B: What? [00:16:34] Speaker A: I ain't going in with you, man. [00:16:37] Speaker B: Asked a question. I'm just answering her questions. [00:16:41] Speaker A: You talking about some fast and furious, talking about some fake movie shit. [00:16:51] Speaker C: I just asked because a lot of people were, like, giving instruction on what to do when the niggas coming at you from the front and the back. I'm like, wow, you niggas been on a lot of crazy scenarios. How the hell do y'all know that? [00:17:01] Speaker A: Them niggas just talking, them bullets go to flying. You don't know what the hell you do until you do it. Yeah. You don't know what you do until you do it. One bullet could have been shot, and he could have freak out. You know, one round could have went off and somebody freak out. Not 100 plus rounds and coming at you. [00:17:18] Speaker B: You know, I've been mean to ask y'all for weeks now, but I ain't had an opportunity to ask y'all. I know it's kind of off subject a little bit here. Y'all think it's time to give up the young thug trial? [00:17:33] Speaker C: Absolutely. Let him go. Absolutely. This shit is. This shit been dumb for five years now. [00:17:40] Speaker A: Let him go. This shit is. Yeah, it turned into a mess, man. Whatever they had thug on niggas needs to call it square and, you know, cut your losses and let him go. Because if he's the guy y'all say he is, y'all have more something else. Yeah, if he the guy, if he's the guy y'all say he is, right. If he's the danger to society like y'all say he is, he ain't got what he. What is he gonna do? You know what I'm saying? Like, the odds of him fucking up again is high. So let him go. [00:18:19] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:18:20] Speaker A: Yeah, I think let him go. [00:18:21] Speaker B: I just want to get y'all opinions on that. [00:18:23] Speaker A: Let him go. You know, if he that do, if he the nigga y'all say he is, he'll fuck up again. But at this point, y'all, I'm actually really nervous. [00:18:33] Speaker C: Cause now y'all done brought this white lady in here. So now I'm just like, yeah, this shit about to get worse. [00:18:38] Speaker A: The whole. The court system is looking silly, the lawyers looking silly. They all looking silly. So it ain't even more. It ain't even so much about thug at this point. It's about these things in here, bickering back and forth, lawyers going to jail for the weekend and all kind of dumb shit. [00:18:52] Speaker C: Yeah, I agree. I feel like the focus has shifted. Like, it's gone from it actually being about those crimes he's been accused of and he's affiliation to Woody becoming the superstar trauma drop drop person. Because now this man is out of jail, making all kind of money for being popular, for being a. Being silly as hell. [00:19:11] Speaker A: Yeah, Woody. [00:19:12] Speaker C: And then you got the. You got the job that they just let go. You got the jerk. You know, you got the lawyers and all the shit they got going on. It's more about everything around thug than the actual. [00:19:23] Speaker A: What thug actually done, what minutes. [00:19:25] Speaker C: He's lost the plot. [00:19:26] Speaker A: We still don't know how much of a menace he is because they can't get past the bullshit. So we still don't know exactly what he did. You see what I'm saying? It's been two years, and we still don't really know what he did. [00:19:43] Speaker B: So, yeah, think about time. [00:19:47] Speaker A: Like, yeah, didn't let that shit, right. [00:19:49] Speaker B: I just want to. I just want to hear what I ain't had an opportunity to actually. [00:19:54] Speaker A: That he let that shit ride, man. Cut your losses. Yeah, time serve, whatever. And let him go. Cuz, you still haven't actually said what the fuck he done. [00:20:04] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:20:05] Speaker A: Yet. [00:20:07] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:20:08] Speaker A: To me, now, maybe I'm missing something, but to me, and I'm. I ain't gonna say I followed every day, but it posts online so much here for the last couple months where. But you see the silly shit. You don't even know what the hell's going on with the actual trial. You just know the bullshit that's going on with the people involved with the trial. [00:20:26] Speaker C: Meanwhile, woody out here playing a red balloon with the red balloon contest, 20. [00:20:31] Speaker A: Versus one, living his life. [00:20:33] Speaker C: Yeah, having a good time. [00:20:34] Speaker A: And this nigga lied on the thing. I still don't get that. How you. How you do the immunity deal, and then they put you on the stand because you signed the immunity deal, right? Again. They put you on the stand, you just get up there, and you just shit up over all that, and you walk out, right. Like, what is going on here? [00:20:54] Speaker B: Yeah, it's been a circus. [00:20:56] Speaker A: Yes. It's silly, man. [00:20:58] Speaker B: Yeah, I guess this news don't come in as a prize. Candace Owens, Baxter Project 2025, saying that she all in. I know Charnet kind of started off the topic a few weeks ago about the 2025 project, and you kind of been hitting it over the past few weeks. And now we got Candace saying she backs it, so. [00:21:25] Speaker C: Candace Ruckus. [00:21:27] Speaker B: Candace said you said, candice Ruckuse, uncle Ruckus. So Candice say, project 2025 sounds pretty good to me. So if I run around for president and they stepped to me and they say, do you support 2025? I'm going to look them straight in the face and say, yes. All of it. [00:21:51] Speaker A: You who want to take. You want to go first, Charlie, on this one? [00:21:59] Speaker C: No, no, no, no. You go ahead, because I'm gonna do. Just get pissed off. So go ahead. [00:22:06] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. So to my first reaction to that is fuck her. Yeah, man. Fuck her, man. [00:22:17] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:22:18] Speaker A: It doesn't even get to the point to where your personal opinion, political beliefs of what it is. Right, fine. But when you just plain out ignorant, then that's the problem. You're using your platform to just, you know, promote ignorance. [00:22:38] Speaker B: If you don't, like, there's a propaganda. She. Not really. [00:22:44] Speaker A: I don't. I don't. She's not a political person. She's not even political thing. She's just a mouthpiece for the sound bites. Right? So she's a. She's like a Uma. They don't. They don't run from there. They don't hold no office. They don't hold no status in office. Whatever. They just out here talking. [00:23:02] Speaker C: She's a political rage baiter. That's what she is. She just says shit to get a reaction out of people, especially us, as black people. [00:23:11] Speaker A: And what's the. What's one of the things that you could say to get black people out? You start talking shit about black people. [00:23:19] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:23:20] Speaker A: Get black people riled up and. But to me, she's totally. She's the opposite of, you know, her. For her to see his. For her to sit there and say as a woman that she's with anything that takes rights away from women, silly. That's just straight, white, black, whatever. Silly to me. Silly. So I can't. I can't. So her little. Her and her caucasian husband, they'll be just fine. Matter whether 2025 hits or not. It wouldn't affect her at all. But it's. But if it was. [00:24:03] Speaker C: Yeah, but that's the problem. [00:24:05] Speaker A: But that. But that's the issue, though. [00:24:07] Speaker C: Like, she thinks this stuff. [00:24:09] Speaker A: Do you think that her. Her what she's saying and what she's doing is gonna protect her from having to deal with any of that, the backlash, any of that? That's all. [00:24:18] Speaker C: But protecting. But protecting her, period, is the thing. Like, just because she's married to that caucasian man does not change the fact that she's still black at the end of the day. And some of this stuff will ultimately affect her outside of that money that she married into. I, like, I don't get it that just because you married this white man doesn't change how this is going to affect you as a woman and then us as black people here. [00:24:38] Speaker A: Yeah, I think that's what I'm saying. I think that's. To me, that's the way it feels like she's thinking by saying some of this dumb shit. But she been saying dumb shit for a long time. [00:24:49] Speaker C: It's almost like she forgets that she's black. Like you forgot. [00:24:53] Speaker B: Y'all don't think she believe what she's saying? [00:24:57] Speaker A: Some of it. I don't think so, man. I think some of it just for the shares and the views and the conversation. But that's the whole point of being a rage, baby. And then again, a lot of that shit she may do because she don't have to deal with it because of her lifestyle and who she's married to and the money and this and that. You ain't gotta deal with none of that. [00:25:20] Speaker B: She had. [00:25:21] Speaker A: But her big nose ass can go to hell, though, tell you that shit right now. Big wide nose ass can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. But, um, take Umar witch. [00:25:31] Speaker B: She had, um, shorty with her own on a show. The other day with her. [00:25:35] Speaker A: Who? [00:25:36] Speaker B: Amber. Amber Rose. She had Amber on her. [00:25:38] Speaker A: C, man. C, I ain't finna do this with you. I'm serious. I don't give a fuck. [00:25:45] Speaker B: Shit. [00:25:46] Speaker A: Neither one of them. Neither one of them. Neither one of them right now. Hold on. I ain't got nothing on that. That's why nobody heard about it. That's why nobody really. It's not a real thing, man. [00:26:02] Speaker B: But y'all saw the Amber Jocelyn Hernandez video. [00:26:09] Speaker A: I saw a clip of when they was fighting, they broke it up. [00:26:12] Speaker C: But, I mean, that fight was nothing like they made it out to be. I was disappointed. I was disappointed, and I'm glad it came out, because we really thought that Joshua whoop. Like, really whoop Amber's ass, the way they were talking about it, and it did not turn out that way. [00:26:27] Speaker A: I want to see the entire thing. Cause, you know, you walk upside. Well, they. [00:26:32] Speaker C: Well, they dropped the part where those two. Well, they just dropped the part where those who were actually fighting. I mean, that was enough for me to say that Johnson did not whoop on her ass like you thought she was. [00:26:41] Speaker A: But see, this, you know, like we talked before about sucker punt, and, you know, why you went. You know, you walked by like, she kind of got her from the side a little bit, which I. I'm not saying, you know, Josh should have had her damn dukes up. You just not said something to this young. This. This woman. And, you know, y'all had words or whatever. You should have been ready to fight or whatever. But I don't know. [00:27:04] Speaker C: I'm gonna tell you exactly what it was. No, I'm gonna tell you exactly what it was. From a woman's point of view, what fucked Jocelyn up, what threw her off, and what slowed her down was the fact that Amber was bald. See, if you pay attention to all the fights that Jocelyn gets into, these bitches be having wigs on. They be having their head thicken. The first thing women do naturally is go for hair. And once I got a handful of hair in my hand, then I'm gonna start ramming it in your face. See, the problem is, Jocelyn didn't go in to punch her first. She went in to go and try to tussle a little bit and then get the rocking hair in her face. But Amber is bald, so you didn't have no handlebars to grab onto. So that was the disappointment for me. Cause, I mean, we seen Jocelyn walk through an open area and slap the shit out of niggas left and right, high on cocaine. But you was. [00:27:52] Speaker A: You. [00:27:52] Speaker C: You were supposed to fight this damn girl. And she was bald headed and you didn't have a leg to stand on. And I'm disappointed. Cause we done seen Jocelyn fight. Yeah, and Jocelyn can fight. [00:28:02] Speaker A: All she do is fight. So. [00:28:04] Speaker C: But if you pay attention, most of those girls that she's fighting, everybody got hair. [00:28:12] Speaker B: Um, I think. I think. I think she stole it off on Johnson. But I think I. I think if they would have played out a whole shit, Jocelyn probably would've. [00:28:22] Speaker A: What I'm saying, I would love to see the whole. If that. If that was just the fight itself. And that's all with now. If it was more to it, I would love to see what. But, you know, they broke it up real quick, though, so. But Amica Rose got so got a leak, see, and she could say she got a leaks in. [00:28:39] Speaker C: And honestly, I doubt if there's any more to that fight outside of just arguing, because that is a det show. That is not a Zeus network production. Oh, it was network gonna let you niggas fight. So y'all can't breathe no more. [00:28:52] Speaker A: They don't give it a. [00:28:53] Speaker C: That's the whole purpose of their shows. They want y'all to fight. [00:28:56] Speaker A: Speaking of that, y'all, did y'all see the baddest Detroit audition for the Bad Girls club? [00:29:04] Speaker C: I heard about them. I heard about. [00:29:06] Speaker A: Man, they said people was in there fighting like hell at the audition. Man, it was like 200 people in that damn place. Just fights breaking out all over the place. Because that's what the show was kind of about. Girls fighting and carrying on, and they just thought they figured they started fighting. Now we. They'll pick us to be on the show. They didn't start fighting in the damn audition. [00:29:28] Speaker B: Damn. [00:29:29] Speaker A: I mean, Roy Rumble, scum. [00:29:30] Speaker B: This is video of it. [00:29:31] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, they show video. Roy rumble. [00:29:35] Speaker C: But it's supposed to be like that, though. [00:29:37] Speaker A: Yeah, that's silly. Y'all here audition for dance. [00:29:39] Speaker C: It's not supposed to be like that. [00:29:41] Speaker A: Just break out into a brawl, bro. This shit is so stupid. [00:29:46] Speaker C: And then girls think that if they show that they can fight the best. [00:29:51] Speaker A: Hitting random people and a brawl breakout over here, then a brawl break out over here. Brawl break out over here. And all you do is running around fighting in the damn audition. Damn thing. This is crazy. [00:30:05] Speaker B: Wow. [00:30:07] Speaker A: That's our, like. Man, this is. This is sad, man. Sad. I don't even know no lines. Just cloud of dust. I don't even know how to act. I ain't got to know how to read no script. No shit like that. It's just a big cloud of dust. [00:30:20] Speaker B: Yeah. What about the female boxer who crushed a girl dreams, man. [00:30:29] Speaker A: No, they saying she's not a man. [00:30:32] Speaker B: No, she's not a man. [00:30:33] Speaker A: She ain't. She not a man. [00:30:34] Speaker B: She just. What? A. What? She is a. [00:30:39] Speaker A: She just a strong woman. [00:30:41] Speaker B: Hermaphrodite. That what it says she is. [00:30:43] Speaker A: I don't know. I haven't heard that word. [00:30:44] Speaker C: She is not intersex. That is a woman. [00:30:48] Speaker A: I have not heard that word, and. [00:30:49] Speaker C: That shit is not. And that shit is not funny. She is not intersex. [00:30:54] Speaker A: Who you heard? [00:30:54] Speaker C: Everyone I know. That's the bullshit. That's the bullshit rumor that's going around. I see it on. I see it on TikTok, too. The new word for it is intersex, not hermaphrodite. [00:31:03] Speaker A: Um, I heard that intersects. [00:31:06] Speaker C: That woman is a woman, and people need to be apologizing to her for even starting that bullshit up. [00:31:12] Speaker A: That's. That's. No, that's. That's the word I got to, like, the first. It was. It was a. It was a trans. He would call him trans and her trans and all that at first, and they were like, the story just took off. And before the real information came out, it was already said that she was a. It was, you know, how can you allow a man to fight a woman? And so. So it just took off. You know, people take off with that. [00:31:36] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:31:37] Speaker A: And at first, when I saw it, too, I was like, damn. You know what I mean? But she's a woman. She's just a tough looking woman, but she's a woman. [00:31:44] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:31:45] Speaker A: And they said they tested her. She failed her test, but whatever test that she had to take to be in the Olympics, she passed it. So. [00:31:55] Speaker C: She had. They did a blood test on her, and they said that she had high levels of testosterone, which is why the result that they came to, they couldn't determine man or woman based off of her high testosterone levels. But if you do your research or you talk to another woman that's got some sense and knows a little something, she'll tell you. A lot of women have testosterone just like some men have estrogen. [00:32:19] Speaker A: See, but to completely just go off. [00:32:22] Speaker C: The rails and call. And call the woman a trans or intersex, because you've got your shit rocked. Maybe you don't need to be fucking fighting Karen. And see, that's what happens when white people. When Karen's take their power and see, what the beauty about this is, is this is not a black person she's talking about. You know what I'm saying? This is somebody from a totally different country. And you use your Karen powers to go up there. You got your shit rocked on national television, and the first thing you say is, oh, she's got to be a man because I've never been hit that hard. They need to whoop her ass again. [00:33:00] Speaker A: She did say that. There's no lies being told here. [00:33:05] Speaker B: A girl quit. [00:33:06] Speaker A: She quit after 46 is a hell no. That girl went bap bap. [00:33:12] Speaker C: That girl said she ain't never been. [00:33:14] Speaker A: That hard before in her life. And she's a boss. [00:33:17] Speaker C: So you assume there was a man. [00:33:19] Speaker A: You a boss of that sparred. [00:33:20] Speaker C: So that tells me you had to be pretty decent because you got to an olympian level. And the first hit you get, you. [00:33:27] Speaker A: Tap out and then start crying. And then went to, you know, went to the whole man thing and this. [00:33:33] Speaker C: Net calling her names and all kinds of stuff. And people's running with that, like, embarrassing this woman. It's super disrespectful, and she need to get her ass whooped again. [00:33:42] Speaker A: I gotta agree. [00:33:43] Speaker B: I think she apologized, all right. [00:33:45] Speaker A: I don't know. [00:33:45] Speaker C: I didn't give a fuck about your apology. Fuck you. She used her white people powers and did what she did because she wanted to. Always crying. Crying victim when some shit happened to them. Bitch, you got knocked. You clearly don't need to fight at this high of a level. How did you even get this high? How did you even get this high? [00:34:01] Speaker A: Well, you know, these standards in these countries, ain't they different? But either. Either way, right? Either way, she made Olympic team. She made it and she quit. Basically. She quit. She quit. I. She quit. And I think the embarrassment of her quitting is what caused her to say them things. Not necessarily, you know, she knew. [00:34:26] Speaker B: Yeah. They were trying to say she was born with both parts. [00:34:30] Speaker A: I didn't see that. None of that scum. I don't know where you got. I don't know where you got that. [00:34:33] Speaker B: Information from, serious, man. [00:34:34] Speaker A: But I'm looking at the Olympic. I'm going off with the. I'm going off the Olympic thing. They went off the. I saw it with Olympic. And then they talked to her parents, her dad, and they had show stuff for her when she was younger. Look like a whole girl. [00:34:52] Speaker C: Leave that girl alone. Leave that girl alone. [00:34:59] Speaker A: You need to stop watching Fox News. Quit being an asshole. This shit turned into an asshole. Fuck up, bro. It turned you into an asshole. [00:35:09] Speaker B: You gotta watch both sides. I try to get both sides of the story. [00:35:11] Speaker A: Mandy, she's a woman, bro. She's just a strong ass woman who can fight. And she. We socked that girl. [00:35:22] Speaker B: Did she have a second fight? [00:35:24] Speaker A: Yeah, she did. She whoop her ass then, too? [00:35:26] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:35:26] Speaker A: Yeah. But the one she fought the same time ain't cried, ain't saying, oh, that's the hardest ever. I got hit by a man. I feel like I got hit by a man. You just. That girl got her ass tore up. She got in that ring, thought this shit was gonna be sweet. And the girl gave her that two piece and a biscuit, extra fries, and a large drink, and her ass ain't want no parts of it. [00:35:47] Speaker B: About like how old girl beat Ronda Rousey at that time. You remember that? [00:35:52] Speaker A: I remember that girl beat the girl. That girl knocked down Ronna Rousey ass up. And everybody thought. And everybody thought that Ronna Rousey was just so unbeatable until her ass got beat. You know what I'm saying? She got beat handily, too. I mean, I. I'm talking about Smackdown. All right? Smackdown. We saw it. You saw it. You saw it. We all saw it. Couldn't believe it. Beat the braid out running Roger down here. People couldn't believe. They still were trying to deny that. They still try. They still. People still couldn't come turn when she got her ass whooped like that. [00:36:23] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:36:24] Speaker A: And she never recovered from that. [00:36:25] Speaker B: She beat her ass out of the sport. [00:36:27] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:36:27] Speaker A: She went to wrestling. [00:36:28] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:36:29] Speaker A: She went to WWE in expendables and yet. Expendables four. Yeah, she went. She was in expendables and, like, another low budget movies. Straight to video movies. [00:36:40] Speaker B: And she did all, what, fast and furious, too. [00:36:43] Speaker A: She was in fast and furious. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, hey, sometime an ass whipping will humble your ass and that, you know, 46 seconds. [00:36:57] Speaker B: Shit, she'll cry real tears. [00:36:59] Speaker A: I mean, hard tears. Them big ass damn tears, too. Shit was dropping. She was dropping. She would hit the floor like that. Real tears. Cause I ain't wanna. Don't. I ain't wanna pick another boxing glove up. Hit me that damn hard. [00:37:18] Speaker B: Yeah. Did she have a second fight? Hell, no. [00:37:22] Speaker A: I wouldn't put that cur in no damn fight. You know you do. You know how. You know the games. Come on. Yeah, I would put that curl in there. Your bulldog quit. What you do? Your dog quit. What you do. You know what happens when your dog quit? Sorry. You know what happened when your dog quit? [00:37:43] Speaker B: Yeah. Um, hell, no. Kamala brought out Meg. Thee stallion in Quavo last week, she. [00:37:51] Speaker A: Didn'T bring him out of school. Come on, cut it out, man. [00:37:55] Speaker B: They was at the rap, her little campaign rally. [00:37:58] Speaker A: Okay. [00:37:59] Speaker B: They just can't show up. [00:38:01] Speaker A: Well, they did. They did what they supposed to do. You know, I'm not there saying that was the best choice at the campaign rally. Had Meg show the Meg needs off, I think something from Meg would have been something said would have been fine out of performance. But, you know, that's what happened. I think probably could have peaked somebody outside of Quavo. [00:38:30] Speaker B: But Quavo, she called her. People try to get Meg a little backlash. [00:38:35] Speaker A: It ain't stopping Meg, man. Meg out there, I think she did something, another show where she talked. She said something about it then, too. But she has been saying stuff about women's rights in her shows. [00:38:46] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:38:46] Speaker A: So before all this, before, you know. [00:38:49] Speaker B: Yeah, right. [00:38:49] Speaker A: So I will say she ain't just jumped on the train here. [00:38:52] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:38:53] Speaker A: So. But, you know, it was Atlanta. They, you know, they tried to go with the young vote, trying to get a younger vote. Now, if she could pull, you know, a Beyonce into something and Taylor Swift. Oh, yeah, she'll win. Swift is coming, bro. I heard they endorse her, though. I did hear that Taylor Swift and Beyonce have endorsed it. They just have it like, well, I. [00:39:19] Speaker B: Know, you know, Beyonce Dorset. If Beyonce let her play a song and shit at her damn rally. [00:39:26] Speaker A: Well, I mean, I've heard that, like, say, I've heard Taylor Swift endorsement, too. And, you know, she comes with a. Yeah, she come with a following, bro. So we'll see. But I think the Atlanta show was, you know, you live and learn. You know, live and learn. I think her next show won't be so like that. Her next thing. But I want to see this debate. [00:39:50] Speaker B: You ready for a debate? [00:39:51] Speaker A: I saw the debate that's supposed to happen, and then I saw the term Donald Trump said he gonna do what he gonna do. He said he gonna have. It's gonna be on Fox News. It's gonna be on the fourth. It's gonna be with this guy gonna be asking the question. That guy gonna be asking the question. And we gonna do it on my turf. And, you know, the thing is with that is you don't get to dictate where the fuck that goes. That shit was already decided before that, you know, so you could say she, she don't want to debate you on your platform, on your little status. But that ain't the status that's out there. [00:40:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:40:22] Speaker A: That's what shit you made up to get out of what you to get out this ass whooping you finna get. She jumped your ass on that stage. [00:40:27] Speaker B: She gonna continue on with ABC debate. [00:40:30] Speaker A: Cuz that's what it agreed to. Yeah, that's the first that was everything was agreed to to start with. [00:40:34] Speaker B: She said she don't care, mom. She got a debate, a chair. [00:40:36] Speaker A: Yeah, she'll get up there and talk to the people. [00:40:38] Speaker B: Yeah, talk to the people. [00:40:39] Speaker A: You stick with the original contract. You don't get to change up, dictate your own rule. You ain't want nothing. You ain't in charge of nothing. [00:40:46] Speaker B: No, not at all. [00:40:47] Speaker A: You don't get to dictate your own. Cause you scared to go up there and it's your only way out. [00:40:51] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:40:52] Speaker A: Is to make up some shit and then try to say, she don't want to do what I say. Nobody does what you say. Nobody but your followers. And they ignorant and stupid. So he brought the chick fil a. [00:41:03] Speaker B: Girl out the other day. [00:41:04] Speaker A: You see how dumb you. How dumb that shit is? Did you see that, ellie? You how like, how forceful. It's like, it's so forced, man. [00:41:13] Speaker B: Right. [00:41:13] Speaker A: It ain't natural. It's so forced for women. No, man, it ain't. Don't look natural at all. No. Look like a Halloween mask on a, put on a Halloween, man. She ain't natural, man. It's not natural. Look at it. [00:41:28] Speaker C: I think she absolutely feels the way that she feels. [00:41:31] Speaker A: I believe every bit of it's not natural, though. Like, it's not. [00:41:35] Speaker C: And the reason why I say that, the reason why I say that is because you can scroll up and down your timeline on your facebook, your insta, all that, and you will see plenty of people that, you know, personally gone to school with, you know, rub shoulders with, and they feel the way that they feel. And you'll be shocked. You'll be surprised, but they're black and they're saying these things. [00:41:56] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, and that's, that's fine. That's their beliefs, and that's, that's okay. You just, you know, that's what I'm saying. [00:42:00] Speaker C: So that's why it's not that hard for me to feel like that's how she feels. But I'm deleted recently because of that same dumb shit. [00:42:07] Speaker A: But I said that the interaction is. [00:42:10] Speaker B: Look like it just not sure they say something. I want to. Charlie. So you cleaning up your social media? [00:42:18] Speaker C: Yes, absolutely. Yes, yes, absolutely. [00:42:21] Speaker A: What's the problem? What's the problem? [00:42:27] Speaker C: I don't have an issue with. I don't have a problem with anybody voting how they vote. That's none of my business. Right. Because, see, I don't go online blatantly just, like, purposefully letting everyone know whether I'm red or whether I'm blue. I kind of keep me personally, I keep all my political views at a very minimum on socials because, you know, I'm still learning as I go. However, when I see somebody, especially a black male or a black woman, just vividly just outright saying, oh, I'm not for Kamala. Well, what are your reasonings? Like? I would like to see what the reason, reason is behind it, to see if you really have a valid reason and why, like, looking at the type of niggas that's posting that type of shit. You can go. You're gone. Well, I don't want that bullshit on my timeline. [00:43:14] Speaker A: You. [00:43:14] Speaker C: So. So you not voting for Kamala because she claims that she's not black. Well, y'all didn't have no problem with her this entire time, and she's been black. [00:43:20] Speaker A: Next to Biden, she was black. [00:43:22] Speaker C: Like, people forget that part. So now all of a sudden, it's an issue. And any woman that's like, I'm not for Karmala. So you want Trump to take away your fucking ovaries and shit now? Like, it just gets weird. It gets weird with people, and I don't need that type of shit on my timeline. So you can go. But you only went because you chose to tell me who you were voting for. Because if you're not going for Kamala, that means you might be going for Trump. It's a little scary as a black person to be doing that. So maybe you should go. [00:43:48] Speaker B: You do the same. [00:43:50] Speaker A: I ain't got no problem. I would muffins every day on Twitter. [00:43:52] Speaker B: You don't see me, but you cleaning. You cleaning your socials up. [00:43:55] Speaker A: I don't even be on Facebook that much to go through. [00:43:58] Speaker B: Do many platform. [00:44:00] Speaker C: You don't have to go through it. Like, it really comes to you. It comes to you. That's the best part about saying is. [00:44:06] Speaker A: If I see some ignorance shit on there and I got the time, I'm gonna respond to it. [00:44:10] Speaker B: Yeah, I know. You go respond. [00:44:12] Speaker A: I'm respond to it. So, yeah, that just all out just. Just this ignorant, you know, I'm saying. So, yeah, I mean, I ain't got no. I ain't got no problem with it at all is, uh, as far as, you know, anything that. But what I do have a problem with is ain't no chick fil a in the world got all black staff in Atlanta. The fuck they're not turning them black. People lose with that chicken like that. I don't really come. [00:44:41] Speaker B: Chicken fillets. [00:44:42] Speaker A: Everybody black. Nah, ain't no way in here. Even at the airport, ain't all them ain't black. So I ain't trying to hear none of that. That shit. Stage two, just like that fucking ear. And all the other shit that was going on. Shit was staged. Cause ain't no chick fil a in the world got all black style. [00:44:58] Speaker C: So, wait, Eric, you not. You're not blocking people for their political views? No, just let them roll. [00:45:03] Speaker B: No, because I'm a troll. I like trolling people. [00:45:07] Speaker C: Yeah. And see, the people that I'm blocking, the people, the people that I block or remove, these are people that really don't mean nothing. They just fillers. You know what I'm saying? We just friends for the hell of it. Like, I really don't have any personal connection to majority of these people. So it's not a big deal for me to just block you because you won't hear saying, like you said, stupid, ignorant shit. So you gotta go. You know what I'm saying? Like, but my thing is, in this whole political season, again, every time this stuff rolls around, I still. I'm learning as I go. But nobody, it's not a whole lot of our people that I see saying, well, I'm not voting for Kamala. And my question for any black person is why? And not that it's my business, but I'm curious as to what are your reasons for going the other way? What are the benefits for not voting? You see what I'm saying? Like, what are your reasonings where this factual? And when we get to that, I want factual information. I want stuff that we can Google. They're coming from reputable sources. I just don't want some shit that you, you saw in the comments as people was talking about. [00:46:11] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:46:12] Speaker B: You know. You know what my shit is now, though? What y'all, y'all be saying? The new thing on, mostly on Twitter, where they be put, like, weird mag of people. Weird. [00:46:24] Speaker A: Weird. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Weird stuff. [00:46:26] Speaker B: So I get that shit. It's extreme shot of this. [00:46:34] Speaker A: The Trump doll in the car with a guy with the. The hole in his mouth, like, you pumping him in the face or something. Weird. You know, just weird shit, man. Just doing weird. And you know what I like to watch, though? I like to watch them reporters, those guys that ask Trump supporters questions, and they don't have no fucking answers, right? [00:46:53] Speaker B: I love shit. [00:46:54] Speaker A: That shit be having me crying, laughing. Cause it be. It be like, so what do you think about him? You know, well, Biden took. You know, they'll say Biden took money from Russia. They were like, well, Trump took so and so and so and so. What you think about it? He did the same thing. It's like, oh, well, you know, it ain't. That ain't the same. You know? Yeah, the fuck it is, man. But yeah, the great. [00:47:15] Speaker C: The great part about that is a lot of white people don't be knowing why. [00:47:18] Speaker A: They don't know what the fuck they be talking about. They don't know what the fuck they be talking about. And that should be hilarious. [00:47:23] Speaker B: Talking about Trump still right around the Air Force One and shit. Yeah, yeah. [00:47:26] Speaker A: And I'm like, nigga, what? Yeah, what are you talking about, bro? [00:47:30] Speaker B: I saw somebody post something where they had Trump confused and say he never heard this before. What? It was JD Vance for couches. [00:47:42] Speaker A: Yeah, he had sex with a couch. And then on top of that, right? He talking about her blackness and all that. Yeah, but, bro, your wife is Indiana Vance. [00:47:57] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:47:58] Speaker A: Nigga, what? Yeah, what? What? But weirdo too, though. This dude Trump said she can't read, bro. She's dumb. She don't know how to speak. [00:48:12] Speaker B: She flunked. [00:48:13] Speaker A: She. Whoa, bro, you like a fil. You like a eight year old in a 70 year old body. [00:48:22] Speaker B: Mandy. But my thing, I just. I just like trolling Amber Rose. I've been trolling her ever since. [00:48:26] Speaker A: Yeah, I think I'm blocked. I think somebody blocked me. Yeah, I think she was. Somebody blocked me. [00:48:31] Speaker B: I'm a troll of her, man. [00:48:32] Speaker A: Yeah. Stupid ass. Yeah, it's a few people out of got into it, you know, back and forth with. You know, I always tag the page, so. Yeah, I'm sure you can see it daily with me. Yeah, daily. [00:48:46] Speaker B: Daily you do. [00:48:47] Speaker A: Daily you do. I dives on ass for me to. [00:48:50] Speaker B: Wake up in the morning and see. [00:48:51] Speaker A: I dives in on ass. [00:48:53] Speaker B: 1617 notifications. When you go back and forth. [00:48:56] Speaker A: Hey, I got time. [00:48:59] Speaker B: Shawnae says she got time for the troll. [00:49:01] Speaker A: Just block your ass and go. I fires back. It could be black, white, or whatever. I fires back. Black, black, white, or whatever. I'm firing back. And then I text, come back, lounge at the end. [00:49:13] Speaker B: I'm here for it. I'm here for all of it. [00:49:16] Speaker A: It's gonna get worse. [00:49:17] Speaker C: I don't like it. [00:49:21] Speaker A: She got the taste for it, man. She got the time. [00:49:24] Speaker C: No, yeah, I don't. I know. No, I might have the time. I just don't have the patience for it because, like, I'm not really a lot for a bunch of words. At some point, we ready to fight, like, all this bunch of arguments back and forth for what? You know what I'm saying? Like, and now sometimes, like, if I'm trying to prove some sort of point that maybe every once in a while I might go back and forth, but other than that, I'd be ready to fucking fight. [00:49:46] Speaker A: My thing is, too, I say what I got to say sometimes, and then I'll just block your ass so you can't respond back to me. Yeah, then I block you. [00:49:53] Speaker C: Oh, see that? See, now I don't like that. No. Hell, no. That's the worst way to do it. [00:50:02] Speaker A: Because. [00:50:05] Speaker C: Now you running away from the fight. [00:50:14] Speaker A: Because sometimes that's exactly what be going on. See, sometimes, like I told you last week, you got to meet people where they at. [00:50:19] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:50:20] Speaker A: Got to meet them where they at. [00:50:23] Speaker C: We can't meet you nowhere. [00:50:24] Speaker A: If you want to block circles, shit, show up on my shit, I'll say something, and then sometimes I'll block them people. If you say so. Let people do a goddamn thing. That's the problem. Too many people letting people do what the fuck they want to do. That's the problem. [00:50:58] Speaker B: Come on, man. You got to get your shit off. [00:51:00] Speaker A: I got. Right over my timeline. It ain't got no business on my timeline. It shows on my damn timeline. I got a right to do the fuck I want with that. So I can say fucked you and block your ass at the same time. Ain't a goddamn thing you do about it and a goddamn thing you do. But. But take that, fuck you, and talk to. Talk to something that ain't. That ain't reaching me, cuz I don't move on to the next. [00:51:22] Speaker B: I get your ass. I create a page. [00:51:28] Speaker A: My block is unlimited. Yeah, I talk shit. Elon Musk every day. [00:51:35] Speaker B: Get my shit off, man. [00:51:36] Speaker A: You don't you see that? [00:51:37] Speaker B: Get your shit off. [00:51:38] Speaker A: I told you I talk shit. Elon Musk every day. And now they don't got him on some shit, too. He owns a bullshit too good. They just started so she wouldn't stole people information and wasn't doing what they were supposed to be doing and using it to push election shit for Trump. You saw that? [00:51:54] Speaker B: I saw her down. I saw that mom. He suspended the white guys for common. [00:52:01] Speaker A: Yeah, cuz they raised what, $4 million? Yeah, he suspended the account and they. [00:52:05] Speaker B: Got on his ass. He had to reinstate the economy. [00:52:06] Speaker A: He. Cuz he's a bitch. [00:52:09] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:52:10] Speaker A: I said, what fuck you gonna do about it? He ain't blocked. I wait on him to say something. I wait on him to say something. I blocked skip Bailey, told him bye. The unemployment line. This the unemployment over. 08:00. [00:52:32] Speaker B: We got tired of getting the skill, motherfucker. We got tired of getting. [00:52:35] Speaker A: But, yeah, but anyway, I say that. I say, listen, man, we got a. We got a lot of shit going on out here, man. It's just the beginning. She finally. She sort of secured the. Secured the nomination, right? And now it's time to weed out the people that don't want to be here. [00:52:53] Speaker B: I'm gonna start a clue to y'all in my trolling. I don't care if. [00:52:57] Speaker A: Tag me, tag me. I tagged the page on Twitter. [00:53:00] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:53:00] Speaker A: I mean, not so much on IG because, you know, you can't say what so much on IG. Now. I can't say what I want to say. God, I got flagged couple times. Yeah. For, what do you call it? Bullying. They kind of bully them off IG. Yeah. And I said something that the content was too. Too much or whatever. I had to. Yeah, they flag Mandy. I had them face cops, Charlie. [00:53:29] Speaker B: They got you, too. [00:53:32] Speaker C: No, because I don't be bothering people, Charlie. [00:53:36] Speaker B: You be talking shit sometimes, too. [00:53:37] Speaker A: Now, they say this content right here. [00:53:39] Speaker C: I do. But I do it in a specific way. [00:53:41] Speaker A: Like, I don't see just. [00:53:42] Speaker C: I don't do too much. [00:53:44] Speaker A: I say what's on my mind. [00:53:45] Speaker B: I don't see. Chardino talks with shit before that. [00:53:47] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, we all. But they censored me, told me I had to clean it up. [00:53:51] Speaker B: Yeah, your shit, you be going too far. [00:53:54] Speaker A: So the fuck what? [00:53:55] Speaker B: You gave me saying shit. [00:53:57] Speaker A: You calling people. You calling black people dumb and all this shit. Like, you going too far, too. So I meet you, where you at. You go that far out there, I go at it with your ass. [00:54:03] Speaker B: I done saw. You done told somebody. Your mama should have swallowed you. That type of shit, man. [00:54:08] Speaker A: I mean it. Your mama should have swallowed. [00:54:10] Speaker B: You should have damn. Like, damn. Slap. You can't say so crazy. [00:54:14] Speaker A: Your mama should have swallowed that night. And I mean. And I mean it. And I ain't hard to find my whole thing. I ain't gonna let you get shit off. You say some dumb shit, I respond. You say some dumb shit back. I see some dumb shit, better block your ass. Your mama shooting your momma. Your mom ain't got a problem with it. Your mama like black men do you block block. Fuck you gonna do about it? [00:54:39] Speaker B: Come over. You can't be on my. [00:54:41] Speaker A: My shit is right away. That Dalton Sc. I ain't hard to find. I ain't hard to find. People need us alone. People need to understand that. You just don't get to say and do what you want to do, and that's it. It ain't got no consequence behind it. [00:55:05] Speaker B: My shit. I've been doing shit like clown and shit. My shit will be there. [00:55:11] Speaker A: No, I guess. I guess it in. Yeah, I guess it in. I guess personal. [00:55:15] Speaker B: I know people get bad. I'm getting special. [00:55:17] Speaker C: No and no, but see that. That's what it is. He won't. But, Eric. [00:55:39] Speaker A: You know what? He does that. Put that down firecracker in that damn grill and ran off and watched them old people think it was a damn shootout. You seen that? The little kid threw them black jacks in that little black cats in that grill. In the grill. On the hot grill and ran off. And everybody, all the old people started jumping around when the shit started firing. I thought he was getting shot at. See, that's you. [00:56:02] Speaker B: Yeah, I like that shit. [00:56:03] Speaker A: So you start the shit, then back off. [00:56:05] Speaker C: And then he's the person they started and they see you get chaotic, and then they ask, why are y'all so serious? [00:56:11] Speaker A: It wasn't supposed to be serious. Now I'm the old guy that all been out of shape. And then you asked me why I'm mad. [00:56:20] Speaker B: You got that well. [00:56:20] Speaker A: You don't got that well, man. [00:56:23] Speaker B: I know. Like somebody said one time, somebody said, you only reason why you vote. You vote for Obama. Cause he was black. Did somebody respond? No one that I vote for. Cause he played basketball, some shit like that. [00:56:38] Speaker A: What's wrong with that? [00:56:39] Speaker B: And motherfuckers get said, motherfucker man. The motherfucker that man. Cause you think you voted for Obama. Cause he black. But you said, nah. Now that motherfucker mad as fuck. Now he want to get on go tick for tat. And I said. I said, they have a good time with it. [00:56:56] Speaker A: Ain't that. Roll that, man. That's the way you see it. That's fine. Me, I'm going for you gut juggling. [00:57:02] Speaker B: Yeah, you order them. [00:57:08] Speaker A: Responded me that put that dumb shit up. That's what that was offensive to me. [00:57:12] Speaker C: Yeah, you liked him because he played basketball is funny. Because that's a tactic. Because now I'm trying to see how stupid you really are. Did you try to make this a race day. Now, I flipped it on you to really try to see, like, what you gonna say today, right? [00:57:27] Speaker A: All you gonna do is come to middle fingers. Yeah, that's what I do. [00:57:33] Speaker C: Well, good, because now. Yeah, because now you. You really tried it. You tried to bait me into some bullshit. No, I flipped it back on you. Now what? [00:57:40] Speaker A: Yeah, and then sometimes like, yeah, cuz he black. What the fuck is. I'm black? He black. So what? [00:57:46] Speaker C: See, but see, that's the difference between both of y'all. See, you would get pissed off about that. He flipped it back on to the other person. [00:57:52] Speaker A: Well, that's good for scum. [00:57:57] Speaker C: But that's just y'all style. Like, he's a troller, you know, saying you take things a little bit more serious, you don't have time to play. [00:58:04] Speaker A: I sure the fuck don't. I be with it, too. I got one. I got one old date today. I just gotta get online to see. [00:58:15] Speaker C: Always be the Twitter pages. I noticed that. I noticed that. The pages that get into it the most with people is always either the Twitter pages with no picture up there or they got like 2020 or 200 followers. But you won't hear arguing with celebrities and saying all types of stuff. [00:58:32] Speaker A: I just be like, y'all reporters will be coming up with the wild shit. I mean, I'll respond right back to them. Now, I don't block them. Cause I want to hear what they got to say. Like, did Mike Silver. You heard of Mike Silver? The NFL guy? You know me? [00:58:47] Speaker B: Yeah, I know you. [00:58:48] Speaker A: Talk me. Him got into it. You see, we got into it. But he says I'm about to pay, so that she had like 20,000 views or something. 20,000 damn chairs are like, so much. [00:58:57] Speaker C: Okay, leave them people alone. [00:58:59] Speaker A: We need that. Cuz he was like, I can't believe I'm getting. I'm getting down read by somebody who. So I can't believe I'm getting read by the scumbag lounge. Yeah, you is. Sure is, buddy. You pump. Thanks for the shares. Yeah, thanks for this. Thanks for the. Cuz Mike Silver is an NFL guy. Yeah, but he was talking shit about 49. Like that ain't like that, though. [00:59:27] Speaker B: I do. I know you don't. Well, you be going ham on somebody. Talk about the poor man. Like, Jesus Christ, bro, you gotta relax, man. [00:59:34] Speaker A: No, the fuck I don't. [00:59:35] Speaker B: You feed too into that shit. [00:59:37] Speaker A: This why I love it here. I love it. I love you. I love it here. I love it here. This is my Twitter page. I put what the fuck I want on it. I love it here. [00:59:50] Speaker B: Worry, man. [00:59:51] Speaker A: But look out for me, y'all. Cause I be subscribed. Hey, look, follow my page follows. Come in. I mean, you will definitely see what I'm talking about. Gets it in. Yeah, it's funny. [01:00:04] Speaker B: If y'all need somebody, if y'all got somebody on your timeline, I need trolling, send them to me. [01:00:09] Speaker A: If you got somebody, your timeline, you need, you need, you need to get smacked up by some words similar to me. Cause I got, I got a whole lot of move. Like, damn this Tito Rocky. I got a whole lot of move. [01:00:21] Speaker B: Oh, man. [01:00:23] Speaker A: A lot of move for yas. [01:00:24] Speaker B: That was a good hour, man. We got a lot off. [01:00:28] Speaker A: What happened to Diddy? [01:00:30] Speaker B: What you mean Diddy? [01:00:31] Speaker A: Shit died. Oh. [01:00:32] Speaker B: Oh, man. Did it, did it about to be. [01:00:35] Speaker C: It did not die. It just vicious on simmer. It didn't die because it ain't dead, did it? It's just on a simmer. [01:00:42] Speaker B: Did about to beat that, yo. [01:00:43] Speaker A: Did it, better beat it. [01:00:44] Speaker C: Yeah, see, see that don't. Don't do it. See, he don't start it. [01:00:50] Speaker A: We'll say next week. [01:00:53] Speaker C: And you fall for every time. Every time you fall for it. [01:00:57] Speaker B: If I do, what did about being a clue? [01:01:03] Speaker A: Wow. We gotta save a new week. We gotta say we cool. We. Unless something happened in the political world, which I'm sure it is, Deadpool ear and all that stuff. That was funny last week. I gotta give props on Deadpool's a rump wrangler. [01:01:27] Speaker C: I don't want to talk about Trump in that year. I do not give a damn. But Deadpool was good. I like. [01:01:33] Speaker B: Um. Y'all, let's get out of here, man. [01:01:37] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:01:37] Speaker B: Rest on Sunday. Yeah. Y'all like my quiet storm voice at. [01:01:42] Speaker A: The beginning, that shit threw me off. I was not expecting. [01:01:45] Speaker C: Yeah, I thought it was a recording. [01:01:47] Speaker A: I was like, what the fuck is this? I gotta say something about what I just saw on tv. [01:01:57] Speaker B: What you just saw on tv? Mandev. [01:01:59] Speaker A: The no allows the guy on tv to be rental. I just saw something, man. I can't say on air. This motherfucker. [01:02:08] Speaker B: Well, anybody wanna start off with this scumbag tip of the week? [01:02:13] Speaker A: Oh, man. Ladies first. [01:02:16] Speaker C: Okay. My scumbag tip of the week is for the parents. Please do not complain. I get it. I understand. I used to say the same thing. But please do not complain. When the teachers ask for five boxes of Kleenex and, you know, four boxes of markers and crayons, it's because a lot of these parents out here are slack and they don't really buy anything for their kids. And the school system also doesn't provide a lot either, I have learned. So there's a reason for why they're asking for multiple items. I get it. But that's just to help out the rest of the kids that are kind of unfortunate. And the money that the schools, the counties are not given to these schools for supplies. So that's my tip is, you know, just, you know, don't eat a little bit more. It goes for a good cause. And if you don't have it, you don't have it. But there's the reason why they asked for double and triple a certain items. So that's all I got. [01:03:14] Speaker A: We might get on, do something for the scuman line. Come to that, too, man, if y'all. If y'all want to talk about that offline, getting supplies, doing stuff, and then donate them under the, you know. Yeah, but, yeah, we can. We can do that. Talk about it online. [01:03:32] Speaker B: Okay. [01:03:34] Speaker A: Well, my scumbag tibble week goes to them damn teachers. They put that wall up, thought that she was funny. I thought, I see all three of y'all, four or five, six of y'all didn't think enough about that to be like, hey, I don't think we should do this. So y'all got your asses fired and deservingly so, because that the whole border situation, the things that are happening at the border is not a laughing matter. It is not a laughing matter at all. And we need to take this thing more and more seriously. So those teachers, y'all got what y'all deserve, man. Canned. Just like, you know, the unemployment. I was open 08:00 so that's a scum activity week, man. Teaches out of line, man. Shit was wrong. It was wrong. Everybody involved. Black, white, everybody involved. It was wrong. It was wrong for that. That's not. And principal two for allowed for sitting here and allowing that shit anyway. So all. Everybody involved needs to be fired, period. So don't be out. So that goes to other teachers, other faculty, other people. Don't be out here making fun of that shit, man. There ain't no fun when a rabbit got the gun. That's it. That's all I got. [01:05:05] Speaker B: Word, man. My scumbag tip of the week. Go to all these, um, male athletes, get their fingernails painting polish and all that, man. Yo, come on, guys, let the women have this shit. [01:05:18] Speaker A: Yo, bro, I said loud, dude. When he had got his nails all painted up, man. Like, come on, bro. [01:05:25] Speaker B: Yeah, let the women have this. Shit, man. Y'all take up. Quit taking up the chairs at the Dale dell salon. For real. [01:05:39] Speaker A: You handle that, Sophia. [01:05:41] Speaker B: Yeah, man. Charny, let me know how to find. [01:05:47] Speaker C: Y'all can find me on all socials under Chardonnay. Underscore jei on all social platforms. [01:05:55] Speaker A: Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You look for me, you can find me at kstucky 76. Yeah, yeah. Somebody looking for me? Yeah, they ain't hard to find either. You can find me at kstucky 76 on Twitter and Instagram, especially on Twitter because I'll be going in. And you can also find on the scumbag lounge page on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Holl at me. [01:06:18] Speaker B: You all can find me at nail Pro with my feet in the pool. We thank y'all for listening. Scumbag lounge. Y'all make sure y'all follow us on Instagram, TikTok, foot maintenance, Facebook, and Twitter at the scumbag lounge. Thank you to crux Media group. Thank you to my guy k stuck. [01:06:39] Speaker A: What up, though? [01:06:40] Speaker B: My homie Chardonnay. [01:06:42] Speaker A: And we outd.

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