Won't He Do it

Won't He Do it
The Scumbag Lounge Podcast
Won't He Do it

May 15 2024 | 00:47:45

Episode May 15, 2024 00:47:45

Show Notes

Hosts: 40Fonz, KStuckey & Sumbalina 


Today in the lounge the Scumbags discuss Drake & Kendrick's beef is over, Shaunie never loves Shaq, God answers Big Baby’s prayer, the scumbag story of the week, and of course, our scumbag tip of the week. 


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:09] Speaker A: What's your name, scumbag? [00:00:10] Speaker B: Yo, it's your boy, 45. [00:00:11] Speaker A: What's your name, scumbag? Yo, yo, yo, I'm your boy, K Stuckey, 76. [00:00:15] Speaker B: And we are the Scumbag Lounge podcast. Get your scumbag news here Wednesday on all podcast platforms. Be sure to give us a like share following the five star rating. Be sure to catch the scumbag lounge with dollar radio online on Wednesdays at 04:00 p.m. Follow us at the scumbag lounge on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Email us at the scumbagloungemail. What's up, slime? [00:00:36] Speaker A: What's happening? [00:00:37] Speaker B: Not much, man. Back? [00:00:40] Speaker A: Yeah, man. Yeah, you know, back in it. Back at it, man. [00:00:45] Speaker B: How you been doing with your time off, man? [00:00:47] Speaker A: Oh, shit, man, you know, taking care of some business, handling some business. Word, man, for you. You had some things lined up? [00:00:59] Speaker B: Yeah, I've been busy, man. Had my brother in law's wedding and shit, man, which was nice. Had a good time down there. [00:01:08] Speaker A: Shirt off. [00:01:08] Speaker B: A lt. Yeah, shirt off. Shirt off was damn live. [00:01:13] Speaker A: I know he was shit. Yeah. [00:01:16] Speaker B: Came to the realization, man, that time kind of passed me by, man. Can't hang with them, the young boys, like I used to, man. The boys want to drink all night and party all night. You should be. And made things difficult for me. [00:01:33] Speaker A: But I listen, man. [00:01:34] Speaker B: I made it. [00:01:35] Speaker A: Ain't no shame in that, bro. We done reach the age now. We party and we go back to the roof. We look forward to going back to the roof, right? We gonna try to get our money worth. [00:01:45] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. [00:01:46] Speaker A: Out of damn stays. [00:01:48] Speaker B: Yeah, man. [00:01:49] Speaker A: Listen, man, don't feel bad, man. I realized when I took that picture, the picture that was posted on Facebook in Baltimore. I was hanging out with my cousin, man. I slumped down that damn chair. But that let me know right there, too, man. I can't hang either, man. I hang up my drink in Jersey, too, man. I can't go all night like that. I don't even want to go all night like that no more, man. I don't know how you feel about it. Yeah, I'm okay with getting a few and calling the night. I'm all right with it. [00:02:19] Speaker B: Yeah, but you know, sometimes, man, you. [00:02:22] Speaker A: Be trying to try to do it. Yeah, yeah. [00:02:24] Speaker B: You know, you trying to say, man, listen, I've been out here for. I've been out here for a long time. [00:02:30] Speaker A: Y'all ain't doing nothing I ain't, can't do until you get out of here. You let them usc fight us. [00:02:37] Speaker B: Yeah, man. Fuck, man. Those niggas ain't ready to go home yet. [00:02:41] Speaker A: But see, you gotta think about the scum. I done figured it out, man, being at the event Friday night, you know, for little Frankie. [00:02:51] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. [00:02:54] Speaker A: When we was coming up like that, partying, we were just on straight alcohol. We might as well have smoked every now and then, whatever. But nowadays, them cats. So something else. I'm cats with some extra juice, man. [00:03:12] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:03:13] Speaker A: Cause ain't no way in here. You sit there, drink that damn hard gin like that all night when it still be functional. [00:03:18] Speaker B: Oh, those niggas on gin. [00:03:19] Speaker A: What? Some young cats drinking seagrams. Shit, man. I mean, I know we used to do that back in the day. Cause that's all what was around, you know, in a country like that. But come on, man. These cats on something else, man. They party hard. You just get tired looking at em. [00:03:37] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:03:38] Speaker A: So don't feel bad, man. You couldn't hang with them youngsters, man. You're not supposed to. We are the Ogs of the gang now, man. I done came to real. When I came out of bad work, I was coming out of bathroom. Come back down the hall. Come out of the hallway, Greg. Go back to my thing. Young cat walked by. I said, what's up, og? You know what I'm saying? Like I said, yeah, man, it's over, you know, but it's okay. It's okay, man. It's okay. You can't handle. Don't lose no sleep behind that, bro. You still listen, man. If they run the take back, they can learn things, too. [00:04:16] Speaker B: But shit, man. Cause don't feel bad then. On top of that, man, you know, my brother in law, he got a mixed crowd of friends that he kicking with, right? So we end up at a lot of, like, white bars and shit like that, man. You know how white people do it, man? [00:04:34] Speaker A: They go hard. Yeah, I know a few. [00:04:37] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:04:38] Speaker A: They don't know how to. They ain't got no limits, bro. No, it's an all night flight. If they want to be, if you want to go, they will go. They. They don't quit. [00:04:48] Speaker B: They could. They ain't stopping till you, somebody throw up. Somebody. I throw up before they stop. [00:04:52] Speaker A: Mm hmm. And most times, they sit your ass to the side, get the party back going. You know what I'm saying? [00:04:58] Speaker B: So, yeah. [00:05:00] Speaker A: Amen. But you know what, though? We was 20, in our twenties, we were doing the same damn thing. [00:05:06] Speaker B: But, you know, I was at it. You know, I could. I was at a whack club, though. Cause Terry came in there, shout out to Terry. [00:05:15] Speaker A: Terry. [00:05:16] Speaker B: Me and him went straight to the kitchen. He got wings, fries. [00:05:20] Speaker A: That's what we do. [00:05:21] Speaker B: You know, that shit ain't happening to a black club. That wait line, that wing line long. [00:05:25] Speaker A: Oh, you ain't getting no order. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You put no order in and get your wing. Oh, yo, was in the back. [00:05:29] Speaker B: We had the kitchen. [00:05:30] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, yeah. You ain't going back there. The black people stuff. [00:05:32] Speaker B: Put that order there. [00:05:33] Speaker A: You ain't going back to black people stuff, man. [00:05:36] Speaker B: Lady had no ticket in the window. [00:05:39] Speaker A: See, that's the Waynes. Good. Cause, you know, we had our spots. It's a line. [00:05:45] Speaker B: Yeah, it's a lie. [00:05:45] Speaker A: It's a line for Waynes and pork chop sandwiches. Yeah, that's a line. You ain't just come straight out there and order no chicken and get it right in. [00:05:52] Speaker B: Yeah, like I said, being terrorists in the kitchen. Stand up in the kitchen. Order that shit. [00:05:58] Speaker A: Terry. What's up, Terry? Yeah, man, I could see that, man. You know, you know. Lt had a good time. [00:06:07] Speaker B: Yeah, man. You know and shit. What the fuck? Where the fuck we took that other week off? What the fuck was going on? I think you went out of town. [00:06:16] Speaker A: Yeah, I had to slide out and I think. [00:06:20] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:06:21] Speaker A: You, um. Y'all had something going on? Some family stuff going on. Yeah. So we just kind of missed the. Missed the thing. I mean, I came right back. But, um. [00:06:32] Speaker B: But, you know, since we've been out. Since we've been out, though, we still be working a little bit. So, uh, we do have a special announcement to make. The scumbag lounge podcast is now, um, part of the drop back studios family, which is out of Atlanta. So there you can stream all shows, and also you stream other shows as well, and movies. So you go to. You go to Amazon and search dropback studios, or you can download the app where you can access the show on Roku TV, Fire TV, Apple TV, Android, for only ninety nine cents a month. So we are doing that now. So we keep y'all posted. We also post a shit on our social media where you can find a show where y'all can sometimes catch videos or others, catch the audio, whatever. So make sure y'all look out for that on our social media. Word, man. But, shit, I tell you one thing. Ain't much changed out here since we have been taking the two weeks off. [00:07:39] Speaker A: I don't know. [00:07:40] Speaker B: Drake and Kendrick still going at it? [00:07:42] Speaker A: Well, I think they. I think it's over. I think the last song Kenya put out. I think that. I don't think Drake gonna. Well, Drake put out the heart six. And I think he pretty much said, you know what? It's been real. Some fun, but I got other shit to do. You sat there and did 25 songs in them. 17 days. You didn't answer. You can have that. You know, it was fun. It was cool. I don't have a problem with Drake doing that. I know a lot of people do. I don't have a problem with him saying, all right, we went back and forth for a little bit, and I'm okay with it. I still put them equally. I'm not on the side. [00:08:23] Speaker B: I'm not on the side for a minute now. You rather hard, Drake. [00:08:27] Speaker A: I was like, drake was fighting back. Cause it was always. Cause I was looking at it from this dude. Gotta address five, six different people, man. Like, in the rap game. Right? Like, it's just too. If it was straight focused, just them too in the beginning without all the other people diving in the middle and Kanye taking his. Making a whole song by himself and all. [00:08:47] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:08:48] Speaker A: Like, it just became too much. Right. And they dropped the song so fast, people didn't have time to actually get into the songs. [00:08:59] Speaker B: Right. [00:09:00] Speaker A: It was like, bow bow bow bow bow bow. You know what I'm saying? And what I call it, equal. I'll just say for me, and I know a lot of people ain't gonna agree, and that's fine. But, yeah. Cause I stand on this hill, I'll stand on the hill by myself. I'll say equally because of. It wasn't necessarily, you know, it's what they were saying and the actual how quickly they was able to put songs together to rebuttal what each other was saying. [00:09:33] Speaker B: Right, right. [00:09:34] Speaker A: So I give both of them respect on that. Cause a lot of people didn't see Drake being that lyrical that quickly, so. But Kendrick being lyrical, so. Yeah, so you said equal. [00:09:45] Speaker B: So you said equal. [00:09:46] Speaker A: It's equal. [00:09:47] Speaker B: All right, so here's the Internet take on the whole Drake and Kendrick beef. So the Internet saying. Feel like Kenny Lemon, Ken. [00:09:57] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:09:58] Speaker B: Not only because, you know, he outrap and he outstrategized Drake because they said Drake beat himself. [00:10:10] Speaker A: Oh, okay. [00:10:11] Speaker B: I mean, here are some of the reasons why they're saying Drake is losing. So one of the things they said that he was unfocused. You kind of hit on that where you were saying, you know, he's trying. [00:10:27] Speaker A: To dress too many niggas. [00:10:29] Speaker B: Right. They said Drake couldn't resist the opportunity to be seen as a badass and the underdog by fighting several opponents at once. So it was like Drake had to fight 20 versus one, basically. And we kind of. We kind of hit on that, though, before we took a little break. Like, break. It was like Dana was of the rap game right now. [00:10:47] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. He was taking on a group of people. [00:10:51] Speaker B: He was taking on the Avengers. [00:10:53] Speaker A: And like I said, if anybody been in a gang fight. [00:10:56] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:10:57] Speaker A: You hit whoever hit you. [00:10:58] Speaker B: Right. Right. [00:10:59] Speaker A: So it was a lot. So I'll give him credit on standing there and taking on your. Taking on the bullets, bro. Like, taking on the shots from each different person who has something to say. [00:11:16] Speaker B: Right. [00:11:17] Speaker A: Can't ask too much more than that. Outside of, okay, he lose. You say he lost. Okay, take five. You ain't gonna beat. It's hard to beat five niggas. [00:11:27] Speaker B: Yeah. So they said. Another reason they said that Drake. You feel like Katie Lamar won. Said that Drake was inflexible, meaning he bet the farm on family matters. But Kendra immediately started all over where he put out beat. The Grahams. [00:11:50] Speaker A: I don't. Okay. Okay. I can see that. I could see where people take, you know, would think. Okay. As soon as he dropped Fannie Mac. Fannie Mac was tough. That was tough. That song was tough. The way he was rapping on that beat. The beat was tough. Like, it was tough. I think, for me, meet the grounds was kind of like. And then he jumped on the. Not like us with the dj mustard beat. Now, I think mustard on the beat. Mustard on the beat. Yeah, that was. That beat took off. That song took off. And people are. They playing in the games. They playing it at graduations. They killing it. [00:12:27] Speaker B: Right? [00:12:27] Speaker A: They killing it because of the beat. But let me ask you this. Let me ask you this. Do you think. See, this is why I think Drake won, too. This is why I say. I say evenly, but if I was just say, hey, who won? I would say Drake, because if Kendra was beefing with somebody else, it wouldn't be that. It wouldn't be that. It wouldn't be as big as it is now if you stuck anybody else in Drake's play. [00:12:54] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:12:55] Speaker A: So it's big because it's Drake. It's Drake because of who it's about. So, Kena, drop a song. Kenny can drop a song. You drop a hot song. But it ain't gonna get that kind of play. No, it ain't. It's not, bro. It just not. He damn didn't get that kind of play. Well, it got some, but it didn't get like. Like it is now to me. Yeah, yeah, to me. [00:13:16] Speaker B: I mean, far. Yeah. [00:13:17] Speaker A: As far as, like, just being, you. [00:13:18] Speaker B: Know, he did the other day, that was just. [00:13:20] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah, that's still. That's crazy. Yeah, that's crazy. So that's why I say like that, dude. It's so solidified and game. People can make, you know, diss tracks about them and they stream 50 billion in a day because of who it's about. You see what I'm saying? Not so much. Kendrick can't rap or nothing like that. No. But if Kenya was, if you. Big Sean in that spot, wouldn't be talking about that. [00:13:46] Speaker B: Of course not. [00:13:47] Speaker A: You see what I'm saying? So I feel like it's where. That's where that guy's big, man. Drake is big. Even talking two different tiers, though, even. Well, I'm saying as far as, like, if you put somebody else in that place of the beef, who he beefing with. [00:14:03] Speaker B: Yeah. I mean, you know, it wouldn't be as big. Of course it wouldn't be as big. Yeah. [00:14:08] Speaker A: That's all. I mean, that's my thing on it. It had to be Drake. It could be nobody else but a Drake to make it pop off like it did. [00:14:16] Speaker B: Yeah. Also another reason why they saying Drake lost it said Drake overestimated his own trustworthiness. Basically saying without hard proof of the allegation he made about Kendrick Lamar and family matters other than mercury, interpretations of social media follows. So Drake was in no position to press any of these angles beyond the realm of gossip. And he overleveraged his own credibility. [00:14:48] Speaker A: I think. They both did. [00:14:50] Speaker B: They both did. [00:14:51] Speaker A: Yeah. In that aspect, you know, explaining like that. I think they both. They both reached now. [00:14:55] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:14:56] Speaker A: They both reached for some stuff. [00:14:57] Speaker B: Kendall. Well. Well, not Kendrick. Yeah. But Drake was kind of what Drake was only repeating what was basically like what they said. He had a hard proof, but he was, everybody heard kind of. Kendrick, baby and the homeboy. [00:15:12] Speaker A: Right. Yeah. That wasn't something. He wouldn't break no news with that. [00:15:15] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:15:15] Speaker A: Yeah. He didn't break no news with that. And then Drake getting a BBL, that ain't breaking news either. I mean, that's been out. [00:15:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:15:22] Speaker A: You know what I'm saying? He got abs put in or something. Allegedly. Allegedly, right. Yeah. That's two years ago. [00:15:31] Speaker B: That shit was trending, though. [00:15:33] Speaker A: Yeah. Because that's the type of shit was catchy, though. And then, you know, Oscar Mayer got Bbl glizzy. Yeah. See what I'm saying? Like, that's the effect this dude got out here. [00:15:47] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [00:15:47] Speaker A: And I'll just say, you know, like, I think they both reach so deep into a bag of trying to make the other one look so bad that whether it was proof or not, nobody cared. They just wanted to hear the rah rah, rah rah, you know, the fire breathing dragons, so. [00:16:08] Speaker B: Right. [00:16:12] Speaker A: Cause it was like the alleged daughter situation. Yeah, that was kind of funny to me. You say I got a daughter, but I got a poster up in my video. You took the bait on that. And then Kendall put the pedophile things all over his house. And that was funny. Put a six filler thing all over his house. And then these niggas, he'll do it too much, man. They do it way too much. [00:16:42] Speaker B: Like you then. Also kind of like, what you hit on this now that Drake underestimated his own creepiness. [00:16:50] Speaker A: This ain't no secret no scum, man. I mean, I'm saying, like, there's no secret dude jumps from woman to woman, man. There ain't no secret that he moves and he like young girls. Yeah, well, you know, he like younger and they twin and stuff. I ain't mad at them for that. Ain't no crying for liking them. But morally, you know, when you in a court of public opinion, you get fried. [00:17:16] Speaker B: When we last heard him with Lotto. Lotto. [00:17:18] Speaker A: Lotto sister. [00:17:18] Speaker B: Little sister. Right. [00:17:20] Speaker A: Yes. Okay. Shaq got a 21 year old now. [00:17:23] Speaker B: Yeah, Shaq. Duh. Yeah. [00:17:28] Speaker A: Shaq got a 21 year old. Even spotted out TMZ jumped out the bushes on his ass and caught him slipping Donnie. And speaking. [00:17:36] Speaker B: What do you think about what Shawnie said this week? [00:17:38] Speaker A: Oh, man, that was some bullshit, man. You know what? I had a conversation. We were talking about that earlier this week, and I really don't like the fact that she said that now. But it's more damaging to me. That's more damage to them kids than to Shaq. Why would you say that now? Like, what was your point of saying that, Shawnie? Because if it wasn't for Shaq and the basketball wise whole angle y'all took, we really wouldn't know who you are. I'm just saying. I'm being honest now. I'm being straight up honest, like, outside of that. But you say you never love this guy. But you said they had five kids from this nigga. [00:18:21] Speaker B: They got five. [00:18:22] Speaker A: Five kids. Four or five. Four or five. But you never loved him. So why we don't. What that supposed to do at this point? Y'all been broke up this long and everybody going their separate ways. And these kids damn near well, most of them grown or in college or whatever. Them kids want to hear this shit, man. I wouldn't want to hear that from my mom about my dad at 20 years old. So you stayed up in a fucked up with somebody you didn't like, for what? Had our lives all fucked. We could have had a better life. [00:18:56] Speaker B: Well, there were young niggas, though, who, during this time, though, Shawnee and Shaq. [00:19:03] Speaker A: She said she didn't love him, man, like, so what did you love his money? [00:19:07] Speaker B: Well, she said she wasn't in love with him. Right. [00:19:10] Speaker A: Either way. Scum. I just think that's something. Me, personally, I think she should have just took that to. [00:19:16] Speaker B: Just took it to grade. [00:19:18] Speaker A: You done moved on and married another nigger. Nobody wanna hear about you. Everybody wanna hear about that, man. Unless you. What, you trying to write a memoir or something? A book? [00:19:26] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:19:27] Speaker A: That's where they came from. That's where. See, that's that Jada Pinker shit, man. That Jada Pinkett angle, man. How you feel about it, Shawnee? Yeah, how you feel? What she said? [00:19:41] Speaker B: I think she lying. [00:19:48] Speaker A: You think she's full of shit? [00:19:49] Speaker B: Yeah, I think she is just trying. [00:19:50] Speaker A: To sell some books. [00:19:51] Speaker B: I think so. [00:19:51] Speaker A: Okay. All right. I can see that angle, too. [00:19:53] Speaker B: Cause I just don't see it. I just don't see. Yeah. [00:19:56] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:19:57] Speaker B: You staying in a marriage relationship and have all these kids, right? And you went in love with this man at no point. [00:20:06] Speaker A: And after you had that first kid, your money was locked. You could be taken care of. Once you dropped that first baby, you dropped four more after that. [00:20:13] Speaker B: Right? [00:20:14] Speaker A: Okay, so, nigga, you ain't loved. [00:20:16] Speaker B: She said. Well, she basically said. She was saying that she was in love with the idea of building a family, but not the man. [00:20:24] Speaker A: Man. Anybody trying to hear that? Damn. Anybody trying to hear that shit? [00:20:29] Speaker B: Nobody? [00:20:29] Speaker A: No, I ain't trying to hear that shit, man. Yeah. I didn't like it. I didn't like it. We didn't need that. [00:20:36] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:20:36] Speaker A: We didn't need all that. [00:20:39] Speaker B: Damn. So, shit. [00:20:40] Speaker A: What about you? [00:20:41] Speaker B: Think about the. Shaq and Shaq and Shannon. [00:20:46] Speaker A: The fuck is that about, man? Actually, man, Shaq. Shaq is wrong in my eyes. Shaq wrong in this one. [00:20:53] Speaker B: Yeah. I tell you so. [00:20:54] Speaker A: I think Shaq is wrong in this one. Shaq is. Shaq. Act like he's a person who can't be criticized. He can't be disagreed with. Everything you say, shaq, don't necessarily mean that's the law, bro. Like, I don't know who you thought died and made you, you know, word of the street here, but I think he took it. He took it wrong, what Shannon and Ocho was saying, but I think he disrespected Nicole Jokis on what he said to him. I think Shaq was out of line for that. His personal feelings got in the way of his professional. What Shaq say? Shaq basically said to Nicola Yokis, you won, but Sga deserved it. Like, this was during the interview, during his acceptance of the MVP award. [00:21:51] Speaker B: The guy from OKC. [00:21:53] Speaker A: Yeah, that's personal. You lead that. The guys on your show talking about accepting the MVP award, and you gonna tell them, yeah, but the other guy should have won. Y'all a little too real on here. That's something personal. I don't think that should have been said on tv like that. And that's all Shannon was talking about. Like, bro, that wasn't the time for that. Like, that's a personal thing you got. You should have said. You could have said that to him or said that behind the green room. You don't say that during the live as the man accepting the ward. [00:22:25] Speaker B: This is on what? [00:22:26] Speaker A: This on TNT? Yeah, yeah, TNT. [00:22:28] Speaker B: He said this shit on Instagram. Yeah. [00:22:30] Speaker A: So I'm accepting my award, bro. Were you trying to trash me? [00:22:33] Speaker B: He said that shit to yoke his face. [00:22:35] Speaker A: Yeah, yoke his face on the damn little interview thing, man. I thought it was wrong. I thought he was wrong for that. [00:22:41] Speaker B: Was he right, though? [00:22:44] Speaker A: I don't. Who voted? Who voted? I mean, do you? I don't really, to be honest with you. I know Jokic game better than I know Sga game. Jokic probably could win MVP every year. They're like, I felt LeBron can win MVP every year because of what they. The impact they have on the game and how they play and all this other stuff, too, that all they contribute to their team winning. So I'm not gonna say SJ did not deserve to win. He just didn't win, you know, I'm not saying he don't deserve it. He just didn't win. So whoever voted, decide who he gonna vote for. But Shaq personal feelings in it. Cause he always think he's the best big man ever. There ain't no other big man should be better than him. He always thought that even when Dwight Howard was coming up, he had beef with him. He had beef with Joel for a minute. Then he had beef with another big. You know what I mean? Like, so Shaq always in his feelings. Yeah, he need to get out his feelings. And what Shannon was talking about was just that, like, bro, that's something you shouldn't. That's personal. And then Shaq decided to run all off the rails with and make a diss track. Like, come on, man. Him and Antonio Brown and Ryan Garcia. How corny is that, bro? Damn, Shaq, you lost appointment on that one, bro. Corn E. I'm talking about a 50 pound bag of corn. [00:24:18] Speaker B: No, douche, man. [00:24:19] Speaker A: Oh, that shit corny, man. And you got two corny ass motherfuckers on there with you, too. Antonio Brown is super fucking corny. [00:24:27] Speaker B: Oh, man. [00:24:29] Speaker A: Super corny. [00:24:33] Speaker B: Damn. So you think that's. You think that pastor need to hush Shaq up like he hushed that woman up at church? [00:24:38] Speaker A: Yep. [00:24:44] Speaker B: What do you think about that? [00:24:45] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:24:45] Speaker B: Think about the pastor Henderson telling woman to hush, doing the praise, the worship. [00:24:50] Speaker A: You interrupted me. I'm losing my train of thought with y'all. That damn Holland going over. Shut up. [00:24:58] Speaker B: You think he was out lying? [00:24:59] Speaker A: Nope. [00:25:00] Speaker B: Come on. [00:25:01] Speaker A: No, he ain't out lying. Come on, man. He ain't out lying. You asked me a question. [00:25:07] Speaker B: Come on, man. [00:25:08] Speaker A: Shut up. [00:25:10] Speaker B: You can't hush that lady, man. [00:25:13] Speaker A: The people can't hear me. What you mean they can't hear me. [00:25:17] Speaker B: Nigga, you got a mic? [00:25:18] Speaker A: Yeah, she act like she had a mic when she was hollering. [00:25:23] Speaker B: That the way she praised the Lord, man. [00:25:25] Speaker A: I got it. Scum. I get it. [00:25:27] Speaker B: But you should be hushing that lady, man. [00:25:29] Speaker A: Yeah, he should have hushed her, man. Hush your mouth. Hush your mouth, boy. [00:25:36] Speaker B: He should be. [00:25:37] Speaker A: Nah, he may. Could have did a little more discreet than that. But maybe the usher could have came, got him right. [00:25:43] Speaker B: He could have got. [00:25:45] Speaker A: He could have did a little more. I guess he was at his. He wanted to get his. Say what he had to say, man, and he just couldn't get it out. So I guess he reacted, man. They human. [00:25:54] Speaker B: He tried to clean it up and shit. She do that shit all the time. [00:25:59] Speaker A: Loud ass. You loud every week. We know you in here. You ain't gotta be all loud with your praises. You can praise quietly. [00:26:10] Speaker B: She do that shit right. [00:26:11] Speaker A: You could praise quietly. Lord hear you. [00:26:13] Speaker B: Oh, fuck that, man. [00:26:15] Speaker A: See that? [00:26:16] Speaker B: That lady probably going through something. [00:26:19] Speaker A: Yeah, she going through here, man. She going through the doors the whole way outta here. [00:26:22] Speaker B: Groceries and shit. Fucking sky. [00:26:24] Speaker A: Your groceries been high last week. Your grocer been high last month. I'm trying to get these people to worry, to help them get through. And here you go on cue. Every time I get up here to start talking. Here you go. [00:26:35] Speaker B: Kids acting up. [00:26:37] Speaker A: Hey, man, this shit been going on. [00:26:38] Speaker B: Nigga probably going through it, man. [00:26:41] Speaker A: He probably going through it too. Him and the first lady in that catalog. Shit, I'm tired of women talking to me all kind of ways. [00:26:48] Speaker B: Shut up, man. [00:26:51] Speaker A: He hush her ass up. [00:26:52] Speaker B: Yeah, nigga. [00:26:53] Speaker A: Fire. [00:26:53] Speaker B: That's a fire, nigga. [00:26:54] Speaker A: Man. He did. He control the damn. Control the crowd, man. [00:26:58] Speaker B: Control it. [00:26:58] Speaker A: Yeah. Trump, tell them to shut the hell up. They don't. You don't say nothing about that. Get him out of here. [00:27:06] Speaker B: So you think. So now you saying that Kendrick and Drake seem like they rapper. So you think B season over? [00:27:12] Speaker A: No, B season ain't over. No BC. We got another damn sausage on the damn. On the grill. [00:27:17] Speaker B: What's on the grill? [00:27:17] Speaker A: Them game frying up Rick Ross ass right now, too. He's frying his ass up now. Before you for your dog game, before you dog game, I will say game did the same thing Rick Ross is doing. Rick Ross did with Drake. He stuck his nose in there, made fun of it, trolling. Made fun of it. Made a song about Drake. Drake ain't said nothing to him. He had nothing to do with the, like that record. [00:27:48] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:27:50] Speaker A: None of that other stuff. He inserted himself in the beef, and now game insert itself in your beef. So, Ross, I like you. Hey, I love your music, man. But you gon, you gonna let game slide, but you gon kick your kid up. When it was five, y'all on Drake biting at his damn, biting him. And now this guy here want you on a one on one, and you won't answer the bail. I can't. What you mean? Why? Cause he's talking shit. You inserted yourself in a fight. Now somebody wanna fight you one on one. You can't fight. [00:28:27] Speaker B: Who cares about game out here? [00:28:29] Speaker A: It's not the fact of who cares about him. It's the fact that the nigga is talking about you. [00:28:33] Speaker B: I feel. I feel you. [00:28:34] Speaker A: I mean, he talking cash shit, too. I ain't talking about no subliminal shit. I listen to the song. There's nothing subliminal about it. This shit got an address on it. This shit is for Rick Ross. And Rick Ross only. Your eyes only. You know how you write them notes back in the days to the world, your eyes only. [00:28:54] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:28:55] Speaker A: This is for, this is for Rick Ross. [00:28:59] Speaker B: Ross said game, though, man. [00:29:00] Speaker A: But see, that's where, that's where I got, I got, I got to take some points away from Ross on that one because you was all for the beef when it was that you had the advantage. [00:29:10] Speaker B: There's tears of this, man. We just talked about this. [00:29:12] Speaker A: I don't know. No, no, no. Like you said, tears is one thing. Somebody coming at you directly and doing the same thing that you were just doing to another nigga. [00:29:25] Speaker B: Yeah, I feel you. [00:29:27] Speaker A: That's true. [00:29:28] Speaker B: I would say you were saying, like, Kenneth, this was Kennick and Big Sean, like he was saying earlier. [00:29:34] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Ross wouldn't involve himself. Kanye wouldn't involve himself. Nobody did. [00:29:39] Speaker B: So why would Ross spawned the fucking game? Who the fuck is game now? [00:29:43] Speaker A: Game is the person that's calling you a fat, a wide back bitch. That's who the fuck game is. [00:29:50] Speaker B: Big backs in this season. [00:29:51] Speaker A: Well, big back bitches ain't no wide back bitches ain't. [00:29:58] Speaker B: You saw them wide backs I had on my arm? I saw them. [00:30:01] Speaker A: I saw them. You know, look at liquor make you think you ain't got no wide back. [00:30:05] Speaker B: But listen, man, I don't think Ross should respond. [00:30:09] Speaker A: I think he should because you responded to 50. [00:30:14] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:30:16] Speaker A: You definitely involve yourself in the Drake situation to capitalize off of that. [00:30:21] Speaker B: They on the same damn tier, though, man. [00:30:23] Speaker A: Who? Drake and Ross, man, let me outta here. Cut it off yourself. Cut it off. [00:30:31] Speaker B: Your taste? [00:30:31] Speaker A: Hell the fuck no. Are you crazy? No. Hell no. Hell no. Hell no. And I like Ross. Well, Drake Hill, bro. Ross ain't there. No. Absolutely the fuck not. No, bro, I swear. I can't get with you on that one, bro. You can't. Them two catalogs don't even compare. They don't even compare. [00:30:56] Speaker B: They don't know, man. [00:30:57] Speaker A: Globally versus Drake will kill him. He'll kill him, he'll kill him, he'll kill him, he'll kill him. You can run off. You probably can run off just in the last five years and three or four. Ross, toughest song. Drake. Own them gold Rosa. Dice pineapple. Drake is on him. [00:31:26] Speaker B: Drake ain't on dice pineapples. [00:31:28] Speaker A: Yes, he is. Wally. Drake and Ross. Yes, he is, bro. It's on my playlist in the gym. Stay scheming, stay scheming. [00:31:39] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:31:42] Speaker A: Money in the grave. Hell did shitty. Damn, I got too many shit going in my head. Yeah, he owned that dice pineapple. Put dice by now. [00:31:57] Speaker B: It's bad apples. He know. [00:31:59] Speaker A: Dice dice by now. If I mistake him, Walein on and Drake, right? Absolutely fucking lutely. Yes, yes, yes, man. Yes. Rick, Ross, Riley and Drake. Yes, man. I'm just telling you, bro, I'm just. I'm just spitting the facts. Yeah, this is my gym playlist. I'm just. I'm just sitting the facts, bro. What's what? Any Kelly song he was on. Any. He can't. He can't run them numbers probably. I'm sorry. And I like Ross. But Ross came running like Drake. You could take. What's the one he had with the dude from New Orleans? Drake, the dance song and running numbers. All dead. And I don't think Rose got a song even close to that far. Spins, bro. You know I'm saying, the one we had the dance hall shit from New Orleans. [00:33:06] Speaker B: Dancehall shit. [00:33:07] Speaker A: Um. [00:33:11] Speaker B: Wait. Kiki song? [00:33:12] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You could probably run them. No. And take Ross best one in. And they don't use the pair. No, bro. Ross ain't quite. No that. No, I'm sorry, cuz. Uh, Drake and number one, his ass out. Number one, him the deaf number one. Number one hits to death, bro. And just like you told Ross, bro, a lot of your shit don't use. Lot of your shit got probably because of me. I was on it. And that's the truth. I mean, I'm just saying. I'm just speaking facts, bro. I'm not taking no side. I'm just speaking facts. [00:33:54] Speaker B: I think you're doing Ross dirty, man. [00:33:56] Speaker A: No, I like Ross. Don't give me support, Ross. I'm gonna listen to what Ross without. I'm going to listen, trust me. But I know facts. I know if you run it down, if you put Drake and Ross and you look at them songs, it's more Drake number one without raw dining on the other way around. I promise you that shit. Me? But yeah, man, yeah. I just want Ross to answer the bill. The man calling you out for a one on one, boy, you won't square up. Now. How we doing? The country, man? You don't jump somebody, they homeboy come through. You want to square one on one, fight back, Balboa. I ain't here no bill. [00:34:54] Speaker B: We'll see. We'll see what Rose do, man. [00:34:57] Speaker A: Cause I'm gonna tell you something right now. Regardless of how you feel about a game, that nigga can rap, bro. That nigga can rap. All right. Regardless of how you feel about him. [00:35:08] Speaker B: I gotta listen to it. [00:35:09] Speaker A: Regardless of how you feel about the situation, regardless. You think his music is trash. Game can rap. And nigga did a whole 20 minutes song on $0.50. That nigga can rap, bro. He can rap. One thing I keep, I will not take from game is he. He can rap, all right? And that battle rap shit, he all over that. [00:35:29] Speaker B: So, see, we all this to see what he got going on, all right? You being. [00:35:34] Speaker A: I'm just telling you, gang rap. [00:35:35] Speaker B: See if I see it's on response worthy game post. [00:35:40] Speaker A: Yeah, I saw the post, too. That's. That's even more smack. The slap back. [00:35:44] Speaker B: What he post? [00:35:45] Speaker A: It's a long post of. Yeah, it's a long post on some. On Ross ass. [00:35:50] Speaker B: Why he fucking Ross so hard? [00:35:52] Speaker A: Cause Ross. Ross running his mouth. He trolling. He trolling. He's the ultimate troll now. He's the new 50 cent when it comes to trolling. [00:36:00] Speaker B: He is. [00:36:02] Speaker A: He's the. Why would you even troll? Why are you even trolling if it's Kendra and Drake going at it? Why are you even trolling it, bro? [00:36:11] Speaker B: We kind of started off with Ross and Drake first, right? [00:36:13] Speaker A: No, it didn't. [00:36:15] Speaker B: I thought I bought. I thought the boys dropped this songs with each other first. [00:36:19] Speaker A: No, for the. [00:36:20] Speaker B: For the Kendrick and. [00:36:21] Speaker A: No. [00:36:21] Speaker B: And, uh. [00:36:22] Speaker A: No, no. Like, that came out. [00:36:24] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right. That's right. [00:36:25] Speaker A: Ross went on that song. [00:36:27] Speaker B: That's right. [00:36:30] Speaker A: You know, I'm saying. Yeah, man. Calling you out for a one on one for a failing. You answering the bell, man. [00:36:38] Speaker B: I was saying gaming thing about it. I mean, Ross, I think about that nigga, man. [00:36:41] Speaker A: Cause he can't beat him. You can't beat him, bro. You can't beat him. You can't beat him. You can't beat him. [00:36:52] Speaker B: Damn. What you got there? What you got yourself? [00:36:57] Speaker C: He said the serial killer. [00:37:01] Speaker A: Serial fruit loops. Like Froot Loops. [00:37:03] Speaker C: Hold on, let me have a clip. [00:37:05] Speaker B: I like cereal, too. [00:37:06] Speaker A: Me too. [00:37:08] Speaker C: In this real smoke. Scared to drop that nursery rhyme you recorded the other night. I see a quick dub for the home team and some real rap for the fans playlist. Posting very attainable cereal bowls, bottled up dog piss, and crouching by cars like that's gonna get you out of this ass whooping. It ain't. And for rap fans worldwide. Thing about most of these rap niggas y'all idolize is they pick and choose who they diss very carefully. End of the day, all the niggas in this shit know what I'm capable of. Especially when it's time to go bar for bar. The real Rick Ross at Freeway Ricky. This one is for you, big homie. And as for chicken legs, you can't WHOOP my ass or outrap me. Post all the cars and fake watches you want to. The real fans see through that and your wide back music. [00:37:59] Speaker B: Shit, that was funny. [00:38:02] Speaker C: You can't run from the shit. Shit. You can't run shit. Hell, you can't run period. Human capri pouch, body shaped ass nigga. [00:38:15] Speaker A: Fighting words, nigga. They may fight words. Yeah, they're fighting words or fighting words. Yeah, okay, that's. That's the. I just want to see if you agree. Cause I know you. It don't take much, man. [00:38:25] Speaker B: Fuck. [00:38:26] Speaker A: Too many bills out the cooler. You ready to fight? What are you doing? Grabbing bills out the cooler. You ain't put no bills in. There ain't gonna be too many wide back bitches. These fighting words, bro. [00:38:39] Speaker B: He could respond, drake, I'm quite sure Ross can respond. [00:38:42] Speaker A: You know what Ross response was? He held up a Louis Vuitton cereal bowl and was laughing. That was his response. [00:38:49] Speaker B: That was a response. [00:38:50] Speaker A: That's why he told him that cereal is your serial killer. He hold up a cereal bowl with Louis Vuitton spoon? No, with Louis Vuitton. Like print all over the bowl. That's why you like, anybody get that fucking bowl, man. Rap, nigga. Like what Lotto say what Lotto told them women. Get in the booth, bitch. Ross gotta fire back on that one. He got answer back, bro. Yeah, he got answer back. [00:39:17] Speaker B: He will. He will. [00:39:18] Speaker A: I'm gonna let you. I'm gonna hold you to that. [00:39:20] Speaker B: If the public keep. Put the pressure on back to him. Go ahead, put game back out to the pastor. [00:39:26] Speaker A: Hey, you could say game clout chasing. You can use that. I ain't got no problem with that angle. But you ain't gonna talk about me like that, not when I'm a rapper, too. Ain't like I'm selling car insurance or something. You wanna outrap me? Okay. Nah, but like you say, you pick a. Choose who you wanna diss, though. [00:39:49] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:39:50] Speaker A: And that's where I would have to respond. Back to this nigga. [00:39:53] Speaker B: Yeah, get him. [00:39:54] Speaker A: Cause he made a song on Drake in two days. [00:39:56] Speaker B: He did. [00:39:58] Speaker A: Okay. [00:39:58] Speaker B: All right. [00:39:59] Speaker A: TikTok, nigga. [00:40:00] Speaker B: TikTok. [00:40:01] Speaker A: TikTok, nigga. [00:40:02] Speaker B: Word. Let's get it outta. Get into our scumbag story of the week, man. We have, we got a former Boy scout volunteer gets 22 years in prison for hiding cameras in camp bathrooms. So the US attorney office said Nielsen placed cameras at paper towel dispensers in July 2021, positioned them so they could capture a shower stall in other parts of the bathroom. At the S bar f Scott ranch, scotts were cleaning restroom stalls with a leader. One of the cameras were discovered a search ensued. Another camera was filed. Leaders then called law enforcement. So now, Nielsen, you are a scumbag. He's a piece of shit. Word, man. [00:40:59] Speaker A: He definitely a piece of shit. Got an add on. Got a plus one. What's that, Glenn? Big baby Davis. [00:41:08] Speaker B: Yeah. Y'all see something? He got something going on. [00:41:11] Speaker A: He's stealing that damn insurance. Stealing? Yeah, my toe hurt that. [00:41:15] Speaker B: Fraud. [00:41:15] Speaker A: Fraud. Insurance fraud with the NBA, man. He would have cut all the cats. Yeah, they already got they time. [00:41:22] Speaker B: Then what? Got three years, something like that. [00:41:24] Speaker A: Yeah, but he was. Somebody rehashed that video he made. He was on that plane with that money shit beside him, talking, you know, bro, you was stealing that. Stealing people money, man. But this nigga been wild. What a fool, man. Didn't he? This fool go get on live, somebody. Yeah. Guess I won't be eating no cheeseburger. I'm getting some shape and shit like that. I'm saying that serious. I don't know if he said he went on live, he went on live. Talking about, man, no more cheeseburgers with me. I'm gonna get it some shape. I'll spend this time to get it some shape. Dad. No more cheeseburgers for me. [00:42:05] Speaker B: How that nigga down, bro? [00:42:07] Speaker A: That shit had me crying. [00:42:08] Speaker B: NBA insurance fraud money and get all court size seats at the games and. [00:42:14] Speaker A: Shit, bro, I'm trying to figure that out, man. [00:42:19] Speaker B: But then I think I lock up in Tennessee for selling dope. [00:42:22] Speaker A: I don't. I don't know. Yeah, but my thing is, bro, you ain't learned from Clinton Porters down. Yeah, bro, you ain't gonna defraud it. Come on, man. [00:42:33] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:42:33] Speaker A: You making fake ass insurance claims. [00:42:36] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:42:38] Speaker A: What's wrong with you, nigga? [00:42:40] Speaker B: And then they get down three. What he get? Three years. [00:42:43] Speaker A: Three and a half year federal prison. Stupid ass. [00:42:49] Speaker B: No, he got arrested in Maryland for drug charges. I know he got arrested for some. [00:42:52] Speaker A: Oh, oh, I didn't know that. [00:42:53] Speaker B: Yeah, this happened in 2018. [00:42:56] Speaker A: Meal sent the story over, man. Reported in the field of d mems sent that over. I saw it on sports center, too. [00:43:06] Speaker B: I think it had 126 grams of marijuana in a briefcase containing $92,000 in cash. [00:43:12] Speaker A: He down showed he looked like he was smoking that shit because, like, a tailpipe, bro. I got another plus one, too, man. I know, I know we probably got a little probably around us time, but. Yeah, go ahead, Jim Jones, man. And that fight, that shit had me crying. Laughing, bro. That LG, that boy went falling down that damn escalator. That shit was too fucking funny. To me, bro. You got him. Damn. [00:43:44] Speaker D: Listen, I got a cold imagination, though. You know? I do that actor shit. I got a cold imagination. I'm gonna have to choke the chicken in the bathroom. [00:43:54] Speaker A: That's crazy. [00:43:58] Speaker D: I'm gonna be swole, though. I swear to God, I'm about to get in so much shape. Oh, God. That's the only way you can stop me from eating hamburgers, is put me in jail. I'm gonna stop you eating hamburgers. I'm gonna put you in jail. You don't want to stop eating hamburgers and Cheetos, you're going to jail. [00:44:23] Speaker A: That nigga will hide in. [00:44:33] Speaker B: The only way you can start eating hamburgers. [00:44:35] Speaker A: You say God. [00:44:36] Speaker B: Say God. [00:44:37] Speaker A: Say God. Say always. Cheeseburger. Cheetos. Hamburger. Cheetos put you in jail. I told you that. He need to be locked up. We gonna throw some more in next week, y'all. I know we gotta wrap it up, but we gonna throw some more. It's a few of these out here, man. It's fucking hilarious. [00:45:04] Speaker B: Scumbag tip of the week, man. Scumbag tip of the week. [00:45:08] Speaker A: Hey, man, my scumbag tip of the week is gonna go to anybody thinking your ass gonna get over on these Sean's frauds. [00:45:14] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:45:15] Speaker A: Listen, man, don't do it, bro. Do not do it. These cats ain't playing by this damn insurance or that am PPP. So I suggest you just stay out of that. Stay out of that, down that way of getting money, man. Make sure your ass really hurt before you go down there and file them damn claims. But if you want to stop eating cheeseburgers and eat cheetos, that's the way to do it. According to big baby Davis. [00:45:41] Speaker B: There you go. [00:45:45] Speaker A: Send you to jail. God. You gonna send me to jail. [00:45:50] Speaker B: First, let's go back to the week, man. First, I would like to give all our mothers and flowers and wish you all a happy Mother's day. [00:46:01] Speaker A: Happy Mother's day, y'all. However, enjoy yourself. [00:46:04] Speaker B: Ladies, mothers, I know the weather is getting nice and warm. Sun dresses and summons upon us. [00:46:11] Speaker A: Yeah, buddy. [00:46:12] Speaker B: But y'all got to quit foopa twerking out here. [00:46:15] Speaker A: Foopa twerking? That's a new one. [00:46:17] Speaker B: Cover it up. You all can still be sexy. Put clothes on them baby bags. Them love cushions in the mimosa tanks. [00:46:31] Speaker A: Get a shutdown in the wood tanks, the mimosa tastes. You know how to make the bag bags of drinks. The straw ain't got over. You stupid. [00:46:53] Speaker B: Too much. Audrey, Chardonnay, grenadine, Riesling swishing around your tastes. Anyway, happy Mother's Day, ladies and scumbags. [00:47:25] Speaker D: I got a cold imagination, though, you know? I do that actor shit. I got a cold imagination. I'm gonna have to choke the chicken in the bathroom coin. That's.

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